
I think Chernobyl might have an outside shot at winning Best Limited series. A hot take, I know, but i think I remember seeing an article or two about it earlier this year.

What percent of Ozark’s viewership is made up of Emmy voters? 75%? 90%?

Sure, and neither of us can be proven conclusively wrong or right. We disagree with how this group of voters works. In good times, you are probably more correct, and in bad times, I think I am.

I agree with your reasoning here, but not your method of addressing it. If you want to adjust your tipping percentage based on this fee, shouldn’t you tip based on the amount-surcharge, rather than deducting it from the actual tip?

I think we agree for the most part, but we have two very different ideas of who this so-called ‘moderate voter’ actually is.

I think you might be learning the wrong lesson here. Moderates are not the same as Independents- if that were the case, Clinton — who was by far the more moderate of the two candidates — would have won in a landslide. Independents really are just people who a.) don’t know or care to know much about politics, and b.)

You’re not wrong about the economy in the aggregate sense, it is doing as well as it has been since before 2008. The fact that it is under Trump only highlights a truth that politicians never want to admit: while their policies can help and/or hurt people during its swings, they have very little impact on the booms

Its almost like within any political philosophy, be it conservative, liberal, socialist, etc. there are any number of policy positions, all of which can be placed leftward or rightward of each other.

I don’t know if moving to the left would benefit Bernie’s campaign, but it would certainly benefit the country as a whole. He has, since the last presidential campaign - before, really, but especially since - shifted the conversation about our policies considerably leftward, to the point that income inequality is a

I didn’t realize people still used the phrase ‘job-creators’ in 2019.

I kind of want to bookmark this story, and come back to it when potato-brained commenters begin to annoy me too much. Because nothing illustrates the fact that there are basically an unlimited amount of people with opinions that are just prima facie stupid and obviously wrong than reading a parade of comments

And you can not in good faith use the phrase ‘in good faith,’ when making the arguments you are making.

Since you seem to have such a wide and deep knowledge of political history, explain to us how Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden, the former and current standard bearers for Third Way politics (let’s not forget, this means between traditional democrat and neoliberal conservative philosophies) illustrates how the Democratic

They are barely pushing their agenda. They can pass all the bills they want through the house, but if they can’t do a better job of getting people to care, then what is the point? Everyone knows that McConnell is going to stonewall everything, so simply passing them and having them be rejected over and over

If nobody cares that Nike pays kids to make their shoes, why would anybody care if Nike pays kids to wear their shoes?

You’re certainly embarrassing one of us.

I mistakenly only mentioned women in my response. Of course, the exact same thing could be said about black people. It goes without saying the same premise applies - stereotyping someone based on their statement is obviously completely different than stereotyping based on their skin color. That is my bad for not

Well shit, one terrible incident, perpetrated by a criminal, obviously means that anyone even tangentially related to the victim has carte blanche to say and do anything without judgement or consequence. And the consequences of being shot, and being thought of as a shitty person, are exactly the same. Me and my silly

If you can’t see the difference between an ordinary article of clothing that racists are inexplicably afraid of, and a MAGA hat, then I don’t really know how to respond to you.