
If ignorance is an excuse, than any number of shitty, hateful, and horrifying acts are justified. To say that it’s fine for them to do that is ridiculous. Are they dumb kids? Of course, but that doesn’t insulate them from consequences, and certainly not from criticism. And even if it did, it certainly doesn’t excuse

When women have both the current and historical reputation and power to suppress and threaten violence with impunity on men, then yes, the onus would be on them. Of course, that is also only when they are already displaying an emblem of said power, and said emblem hasn’t already actively been established as both a

Why even wait for additional footage? You always believed these little chuds did nothing wrong, and nothing will convince you otherwise. Your last three sentences are just textbook projection- like Laura said, believe your damn eyes. A huge group of rich, oblivious kids doing tomahawk chops and mockingly chanting India

Who wins a chess match between Josh Chan and Jason Mendoza?

That means all those podcasts have lied to me!

It’s almost like James Wan is a better filmmaker than Zach Snyder and always has been.

Both armies are immediately crushed by the K’Chain Che’Malle, the most hilariously over powered fantasy army.

Yes, Tucker, how did we get to this place you speak of? What media force could have driven that? HMMMMMM...

Just make sure a hole is between you and your assailant, they will fall in and stab themselves in the head.

The NFL is really fucked now. S&Z grocery in Athens, Alamabama isn’t stocking one variety of their cans!

I feel exactly the opposite- one of the best things about MTG is that it is almost a completely different game depending on if one, both, or neither play blue.

If those aren’t the comments of a self-loathing lonely slob I will eat my hat.

I don’t think they really know what age group Millenials actually are. They oldest millenials are closer to 40 than 30 now. Its not a bunch of 18-22 year olds. It’s the younger half of all adults. 

Sure, but your acknowledgment might be the only good thing that happens to him today. 

My god, every time something bad happens, the comments here turn into progressives and centrists fighting each other like their houses on Game of Thrones, except the white walkers have already marked south, taken the throne and are grabbing everyone by the pussy indiscriminately.

There is no point in engaging with people like this- you know he’s garbage, I know he’s garbage, he knows he’s garbage. There’s enough bitching back and forth here today even among the non-trogs to give this shit bird any regard.

I think it goes without saying that Andy Reid At All Times Looks Like He Just Ate A Big Bowl Of Chili.

I don’t have proof that you aren’t a donkey-brained man, but since this isnt a trial, I feel comfortable reaching that conclusion.

His life is ruined? Because instead of being on the nations highest court, he has the (very small) chance of only being on a slightly lower court?

I’d love to see a Malazan series. You know, for the people that think Game of Thrones has way too few characters.