
This is easily the 16th or 17th most disappointing thing I’ve read about Michigan State this summer.

You freakin’ Socialist Deadspin bloggers, always calling for a Nationals Health Care system.  Pathetic.

Pretty sure even n words like his pizza.

Bitter expedients. Bitter cretin. Papa John.

Just want to say that this headline is confusing the hell out of whatever ad service GMG uses

To all of our French readers, please enjoy this anniversary of the Storming of Bastille, which was a turning point in the French Revolution in 1789, in case you were unaware. Take the time to drive your family of four down to the lake shore for a picnic, fly fishing, and leisure reading in your quaint and lovely 2CV.

“Providing jobs” is something he do if he were operating a charity. He makes a profit from the labor of his employees. No employees, no profits. If he weren’t making a profit employing people, he wouldn’t employ people.

A great many self proclaimed Star Wars/Marvel/DC/whatever franchise movie nerds aren’t actually fans of movies as a medium or craft. They’re fans of signifiers. They’re not actually looking for nuanced compelling storytelling. They want to see familiar symbols doing things that make them feel the same sort of power

We all assumed that nerds were just ostracized for their smarts and interests, and that once no longer outcasts, they would contribute and adjust to society as equals.

This fight should have been sponsored by dead doves, because I dont know what Dana expected

Dan Harmon’ s last two programs seem to be complete shitshows, yet somehow they still get done.

How did it not occur to Snyder and Bruce Allen to blame all this on Scot McLoughan’s drinking or on Kurt Cousins’s greed? Everybody knows that’s just Modern Redskins 101.

Yeah, that doesnt work though, bwcause the rest of the family is just as aware that their lives dont “matter” the same as Ricks does, Jerry is entirely aware that he is basically a microscopic insect in the grand scheme of the universe and the multiverse, and yet he still tries, he hasn’t completely given up like Rick

I was hoping that the comments would just be, “NO!” “NO!” “Yeah...”


I agree. I always sit on the bathmat before I pee on it. Glad we’re on the same page

Come to think of it, some of the most disturbing things I’ve ever seen in a bathroom were in women’s public restrooms.

Have you ever been in a bathroom used only be a woman, let alone one with multiple women? They’re fucking disaster zones.

You seem to think that I want or need an explanation of the mechanics of american capitalism. I do not. I’m not at all interested in an explanation of supply chain or logistics or any other nonsense that you learned during your online MBA.

Apparently Conroy figured out what most people have known all along. Paul Ryan is a craven asshole bully who will completely turn tail and run away, like the contemptible little fuck he is, at the first sign of anyone who is willing to fight him.