
But i do love your liberal hatred

... and she said, I didn’t vote for you, I voted for the Republican, but I want you to tell everyone they need to work together.

I remember some Uber-Liberian douche

I remember the “free market solves everything” guys from undergrad. They tended to be math / science / engineering dudes from upper-middle class backgrounds who read a lot of Ayn Rand & wrote extremely silly letters to the editor of the school paper.

For me, everything that I truly love is about groups of people with bonds of friendship so strong they might as well be family. The Stargate teams, the crew of the Serenity, the crew of the Enterprise-D, Deep Space Nine, and Voyager, the Scooby gang of Buffy, Angel Investigations, the people living aboard Moya, the

Wait....Ben Wyatt was a nerd?

If they were darker-hued, they’d be the Navy Na’vi Navy.

And they’re stupid as fuck. The Target parking lot is not a sea, you stupid assholes

When I went to see Rancid a few years ago, they were selling babies’ onesies at the merch table ferchrissakes. They know that their audience is aging.

I don’t think I’ve ever laughed harder in my life than I did at the “nice marmot” scene in this movie the first time I watched it. Watching Bridges flail around with that ferret was funny enough, but what really put it over the top for me was Peter Stormare’s dead eyes and totally expressionless face when he dropped

You want to feel old, realize all the bands of your youth are now on shitty packaged nostalgia tours that you used to make fun of Baby Boomers for seeing. My parents lost their shit when Steppin’ Wolf played the county fair and I rolled my eyes and whined. Yet, the Offspring played my local county fair last

That’s why I like the litter stick. Sharp thin spike, nothing to catch as it goes in and out. Poke, poke, poke, fast as you can go.

? If these teachers can hold out just a little longer we’ll reach the tax break tipping point and sickness will be a thing of the past. Regulations are gone, so any time now business will be free from Barack Obama’s corrupting influence. If that doesn’t work, there’s always prayer. Single Prayer Healthcare.

“How is intentionally misrepresenting what a black woman said in order to derail a conversation about labor and capital I was clearly losing, racist”?

Hate to come here and be “that guy”, but the answer is pretty obvious: lower middle-class and blue collar white workers vote for the low-key, dog whistle racism of the GOP over their own economic interests.

It’s useful to think about it in terms of religious beliefs. Most people, you can’t change their religious beliefs no matter what information you present. It’s the same with political beliefs, especially, I find, on the right. They have their own foundational myths and anything that contradicts them is discarded with

Because they’re complete fucking idiots.

Fuck Luxembourg, the goddamn dime-store knockoff Liechtenstein.

Any links you could provide to substantiate that, brosef?

You can pry my photon torpedoes from my cold dead hands!