
I think Graham is just a spineless remora at heart and needs someone whose gills he can suckle at and use to pull himself onto television sets. Once McCain died, he needed someone press hungry to latch onto, and Trump was the logical choice.

Shameless, amoral, and greedy aren’t  the same as smart. If they were, Trump would really be as big-brained as he keeps telling us he is.

If Carlson is using the term ‘white genocide’, then he’s really not even dog whistling anymore. He’s just completely dropped any semblance of a facade and now Fox has a straight up white nationalist talk show in their prime nightly time slot.

Why choose this article to go off on a million post tangent spiraling out your whiny rage?

It was an ESPN headline, with a picture of Jeremy Lin right underneath it. At the very least, it was a bad look.

Green Room’s violence has stuck with me at least as much as any other films. While there are plenty of movies that have way more deaths, injury, and gore, none seemed quite as visceral or real (for lack of a better world) to me than that film. Even now, thinking of the arm getting stuck outside the room with the

You keep using the term ‘natural selection’ but I fear you have no idea what it means.

Was Nacho always so jacked? I know the show had a time jump, but did they have a filming break? Mando looks like he put on like 20 lbs of muscle between last week and now.

By how you write your posts, I honestly can’t tell if you’re just a garden variety shit-fer-brains or if you’re in the middle of a stroke. Trying to parse that last question was...well it was something.

Well, you did say a bunch of nakedly racist stuff. As far as what you do from here on I, in a stance no doubt echoed by everyone you ever have and ever will come into contact with, couldn’t possible care less. 

Why not just start your initial comment with the preface ‘I am a racist garbage person’, rather than just implying it for a while before confirming everyone’s assumptions.

Well, one can only assume he at least doesn’t need to dose his sexual partners with abortion pills. Because that guy definitely only has sex with cadavers.

This is some solid toadying.

He looks like what happens when you try to create a custom face in a video game and just randomly adjust all the sliders.

Pretty cute though.

I’m pretty sure most of your time is spent in lunacy and anger.

Wizards’ philosophy seems to be not upgrading MTGO because they’re afraid of it cannibalizing their paper sales. This has got to be frustrating for pro players because I better looking and working online mode would do more than anything to increase their earnings (via twitch and YouTube).

I mean, it’s become nearly a tagline for the price making latte basics, and dilettantes gon’ dilettante, but mindfulness meditation has figurative mounrains of medical research and literal millennia of use backing it up.

I would also note that The President Show does a great job of satirizing Trump, mainly because it goes whole-hog into sheer madness imaging the guy’s inner life. Atamanuik runs laps around Baldwin’s lazy portrayal.

I remember that they said fuck on the season 2 premiere of Mr. Robot. I mostly remember it because the ads were totally different than normal during that episode. Like rather than car ads they had cash-for-gold type ads.