
There is no chance Rubio used the word ‘lunacy’ intentionally, right?

Us proud conservatives aren’t some paranoid crackpots that think the moon landing was fake, that’s stupid and a Baseless Stereotype!

Same reason they hated Obama- the possibility a non-white could be in charge frightens and enrages them.

This is the same kind of rock-solid reasoning as th Fox News crew used above. You’re in good company!

Not to saying the 7 eleven worker shouldn’t get tipped- but they are only dealing with you for 30 seconds- your server is taking care of everything for you for 45 minutes or more.

The dirty secret is that teenagers could do most jobs adults can, except they would get too bored and quit.

Most jobs aren’t, in any real sense, hard. Most high paying jobs are far easier than most (nearly all) low paying jobs.

When you don’t notice their impact, it means they are doing a good job- your average dining experience would be much, much worse if the server wasn’t trying to earn a tip.

As I always understood it, Van Braun was never much of a true believer Nazi, he just didn’t care what they did. In some ways, it makes him almost worse- he was such an amoral sociopath that he never saw anything wrong with supporting Nazi’s or using slave labor, as long as he could play with his toys.

That’s just...like...your opinion, man.

Of course she is easy to replace! Not because of her, but because the show’s format is such that literally anyone who can string sentences together on camera can do the job.

You should be way less concerned about crime in Chicago and more concerned with what I assume is an incipient stroke.

Is vampirism is a genetic condition?

Every player unable to do a levitating horizontal stanky leg in this Madden should be pissed they weren’t given similar eldritch powers.

There aren’t really the same thing though- guns and access to them are directly related to mass shootings. Lax gun laws have directly led to many of these shootings, and there is a obvious, clearly foreseeable cause and effect.

Clearly because Mexican killers are taking the jobs that were rightly promised to Good White American killers in the Bill of Rights.

Who is calling him a hero?

Korn and especially Kid Rock and Limp Bizkit were the favorites of all the townie equivalent of frat boys- all the backwards hats and tribal tattoos and small time drug dealing of late 90s frat guys, but through a sliding mix of lower socioeconomic circumstances and poorer grades, they did construction work or line

You are just talking to yourself- and yet you’re somehow not hearing your words.

I’m not sure if it is more sad if this Staffinfraktion is actually Blizerian, or if they are not.