
Project Mayhem.

You should right that mean singer a strongly worded letter.

It’s true- we truly can not grasp the depthless and unfathomable cosmic horror of an aging punk rocker punching some random MAGA chode in the middle of a mildly-anachronistic mosh pit. Mayhaps flippancy is merely the mind’s only defense when faced with a crime against nature- nay, existence- such as this.

Can’t be cucked if you are so horrible no woman will come near you.

You and that Honkey Tango Foxtrot guy above should exchange emails and then sanctimoniously clutch your pearls together.

It’s about ethics in mosh pit journalism.

You’re probably right- coward was too strong a word on my part- I do actually like Howard- but I’ll stand by my stance that Chuck probably accepted him in the same way he would accept a particularly nice piece of office furniture. He looks good and he works and doesn’t cause trouble.  And I still think he is mostly

The ‘other’ these donkey-brains should be fighting are polar bears, after said donkey-brains are relocated via air drop to the arctic.

So what you’re saying is that we shouldn’t be shocked that your views are equally as shitty and petty and dogmatic as an evangelical who feels the need to let everyone know Catholicism is devil magic?

China and the US might be rivals on individual issues, even large ones like influence in the South China Sea, but the two nations are so intertwined with one another that the scale of conflict can only ever be extremely limited. Even perceived conflicts between the two nations typically help both more than they hurt

He may not have wanted to hurt Jimmy, but what he did was still objectively shitty, and Kim was exactly right when she said he did it for himself. I mean, if your going to have that conversation with a dead person’s sibling, it’s one you have months or even years down the line.

He’s definitely the best actor that I’ve been introduced to through a video game!

I love what they’ve done with Howard- they introduced him as some sort of evil high-powered lawyer, and gradually revealed him to be little more than a nice enough, but cowardly, empty suit. He’s someone who is only in the position he is in because of his privileged birth. He’s not a bad guy, just more of a schmuck.

I dunno, but seeing as you got through that comment without any logical fallacies or spurious arguments, I’d suggest taking the rest of the day off.

True Capitalism has worked out moderately well for Mexican drug cartels as well as Somali pirates.

I mean, it’s pretty easy to extol the virtues of something when you associate every good thing that has happened with it, while at the same time disavowing any bad thing that might be associated with it.

Income inequality as a problem is ‘nuanced’ the same way as is global warming.

When everyone has their own definition of the word ‘socialism,’ then debating the word is meaningless. Better to eschew any actually label and just run on policy, if for no other reason than to minimize pointless debate.

Which is all the more reason for the politicians to define themselves primarily by their individual positions.

Arguing about ‘Capitalism’ or ‘Socialism’ in the abstract sure seems to be, at best, a huge waste of time and energy. There are already people - as there is any time this topic comes up - arguing sub-definitions and sub-sub definitions of both terms. Whether something is ‘democratic socialism,’ ‘Marxism’, ‘New Deal