Normally the best way to get ahead in baseball is to get two balls as quickly as possible.
A bit of context for that Pat Sajak video. He's appearing on Highly Questionable, a sports talk show on ESPN2. On the right is Dan Le BaTard, Miami columnist and radio host. Those who visit Jez's brother site Deadspin might remember him being the one who gave his Major League Baseball HOF vote to Deadspin to cast. In…
It's not fair but usually the player who gets ahead in baseball is the one who can get two balls the quickest.
I belive the carrying method shown in the first few pictures would be called a "princess carry". That dosen't mean she should be inheriting any kingdoms.
Never before has that one line from Luke's doomed gunner Dak "Right now I feel I could take on the whole Empire myself." felt more appropriate,
Can we ask questions about something other than Tay Tay?
Would Chris Rock's comedy style work on late night? Chris is high energy, balls to the wall. Late night is slow, even keeled, more of an older audience. Could he do it. I'm sure he could. But it might require changing his style from what people have grown to love to something more suiting the audience and the time…
I imagine he had some influence and could have put in a few calls or droped some hints if he wanted to.
I have a cousin who's 12 years old but she went to England and Europe this past summer on a church trip. I want to give her stuff related to the trip like books on Classical mythology or Shakespeare but i don't want it to be to complicated. Anyone got any good ideas?
I have a cousin who's 12 years old but she went to England and Europe this past summer on a church trip. I want to…
I REALLY hope that Kingdom Hearts 3 if it is ever made is not PS4 exclusive because i really don't want to give Sony any money. Between this, the previous PS3 hack, hiring Peyton Manning as a spokesman and as I09 reported the other day Marvel Wanted Spider-Man For Captain America 3, But Sony Said No i feel ok not…
I'm glad the victim can find it in his heart to forgive him. That doesn't mean it wipes the slate clean for the rest of us. I had honestly not heard of all this until recently but now that i know i'll have to think long and hard before i spend money on anything he's in again.
What's hilarious is that on a certain sub-blog of a sister feminist blog there is a poster who regularly recaps the episodes for all to read. Meaning that individual either watches it or reads about it,. leading to the Google spiders to count more hits for those searches, which makes the Duggars think thier message is…
Those are mainly Catholics. We don't know exactly what denom the Duggars are but this article says
The writers of LOST had a better plan for the next several years than Cherrington did for this off season. At this point it feels like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ pretty sums up the Red Sox offseason.
- Of course Zooey Deschanel would get sued over something involving a horse. [TMZ]
It's a shorthand that is commonly used on TV. If you watch SVU they use it there all the time.
Nothing you did Diesel but auto playing videos can eat every bit of me as if i were a Golden Corral. Especcially when you're trying to subtley read blogs at work and you forget to mute your monitor speakers.
True. I've had some bad experiences on Steam. I sometimes think Steam gets a free pass when its communuity can be just as shiity as anything on a console.