
So you've played World Of Warcraft to?

It should be against the law to use the word awesome on tv when discussing something as serious as torture unless it's being done in an ironic way. And then even then just don't do it.

If i got a new PC then i wouldn't be part of the Xbox Live Community and therefor wouldn't be experiencing the pain of being part of such a lovely not sexist or racist whatsoever group of people.

I am a man. And i hate men. Therefor i hate myself. Therfor by that logic i should get myself something painful. So i will be buying myself a Xbox One so i can immerse myself in the pain of the Xbox online "community" while engaing in modern top of the line gameplay and beautiful life like graphics. That'll teach me.

You'll recall that the PTC also griped about ABC's decision to follow up a Charlie Brown special with a Scandal sex scene.

Stop hacking my browser history.....wait what are we talking about again?

Pay me $80, and I'll come to your house with a bag of flour, and then I'll kick you in the shins. The kick is gluten-free.

#hottake time! I eat what i want, you eat what you want and we call it good. Kay?

So nothing on how the King and Queen were interrupted by a lowly Duke and Duchess while enjoying some roundball last night, or is that getting its own post later?

Oh come on, you know once he dropped "Ladies, i was Spider Man" the panties would be on the ground.

It is indeed!

Google search Santa Claus vs Moses

Just cast Snoop Dog....Lion or whatever animal he calls himself now.

I don't read GQ. There are plenty of other less expensive ways to kill my self esteem :P

Woman's mags seem to have SOME kind of at least interesting, if not particularly useful, content. Have you ever seen a men's mag. It's comprised of mostly three sections.

She really is inspiring. It's sad that there are some who want her dead simply for wanting un education.

I don't know if anyone will see this since I've been dumped back into the grays for no apparent reason. But I figured it wouldn't hurt.

I got no problem with this. If the U.S president visited another head of state and made demands on how the press corp dressed the screaming about MURICA'NS trying to boss the rest of the world around would never cease.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer/ Saved By The Bell crossover. Make it happen.....unnamed people who make weird things I think off while watching the basketball game happen.

This right here is why I'll always be more a cat person. That little guy is just swiping away, doing his thing and when he gets bored, he turns your paper into his bed.