
Seeing her on Dynasty as a young teen was so inspiring! It was must-see-tv for my mom and I. Such fond memories of that time. Diahann was the original BAD BITCH!!  Rest in power, our Black Goddess....

Always style, always grace. The Hollywood version of my own mother. She wore her Blackness a little differently than most who came along during her era but no less fiercely. She was the only reason my family watched Dynasty (ok, Joan was bad too) because we had never been allowed to regularly see Black be so elegantly

so a few people have asked for my opinion about the actions of the judge and bailiff, and I didn’t say anything about them because i assumed the take on them was obvious.

anyway, there’s the 35 word answer: i have difficulty imagining a black person convicted of murder getting hugged and his hair braided by agents of

It’s not like this is the first time American Assholes overplayed their hand...

People aren’t complete idiots

GOP: “Look at this horrible example of a typical Medicare recipient. Just think, if we give it to everyone, then there will be thousands more shooters alive thanks to govt-provided healthcare!”

Lol the license points system is real. 

I imagine with enough time and digging, there will be enough of a body of evidence to show that there is a conspiracy to undermine the American government itself by the Trump Administration and that Trump is far from the only person who should be seeing prison time.

The irony of the authoritarian is their outward rejection of society leads them to be slaves to their need for social engagement. To the point that they can’t even see how they don’t adhere to any of their stated values. It’s practically a pathology. 

Amazing how all of these men live with a fantasy that they’re charismatic, smart, strong, and independent yet each one of these chuds is one of Trump’s handmaidens and errand boy.

I feel bad for the guy and most people who trip over stuff on the ice in the pregame but I accept this if it increases the chance of making Vladimir Putin look like an ass.

And you know it’s bad when even WSJ is reporting that Trump’s admin got rid of the previous ambassador to Ukraine because she wasn’t too keen on the wholesale begging of crime-doing from foreign govts:

right up until some clown stretched a camera cable across the ice and ruined everything

They can spend the money to do this to torment these People and yet cannot be bothered to give them flu shots. Demonic. 

ICE is handling it - like an SS arm generally does

A former player told ESPN, “I won’t go back there until the culture changes. It’s unprofessional.”

Matt Barnes would drive 95 miles to help Fish out

Why on earth is the GM giving any post-game locker room speech, let alone one where they refer to the players as “motherfuckers?”

Fish having trouble with women. Maybe Matt Barnes can help?