
Hey, you know what they say about Redskins and scalps . . .

Professional sports in the US, where billionaires can cry pauper and fuck over the taxpayers into funding their stadiums (while collecting all profits) and be seen as victims when players hold out for more money. No wonder Trump wanted to be an NFL owner so bad. 

And a freaking great Brian Dennehy performance.

Stabbed in the Butt cereal is just knockoff Colon Blow.

I’m glad you mentioned “First Blood.”  It is a quality flick one would not expect from all the follow up garbage movies.  Highly recommended.  

If you had told me this morning that this would be a headline, that both the president and his chinless son had unironically referenced Nickelback to bolster their current pet conspiracy theory, I wouldn’t have believed you. We are in the timeline God abandoned.

This is how you remind me

As if he hasn’t subjected us to enough, he has to try and make us listen to Nickelback? What a sadistic fucking asshole. 

How dare you......

Good to see the guys from Nickelback didn’t stand around waiting for a hero to save us.

Victim-less? Hmmm, I guess. Aside from the groups she specifically victimized with her meat-headed screeching (Asians, Mexicans, Jews, those with very publicly acknowledged mental health concerns...), you’re right. No victims, just the pure Light of Christ shining Truth upon the world.

“A second chance” does not necessarily mean a second cushy well-paid publicly facing job. Also, if you think anything about her pivot to ‘Christian redemption’ seems genuine I’ve got some Wagyu Kobe beef from Nebraska to sell you.

The issue is when they start congregating in centers of power, like DC.

He's just homophobic Race Bannon.

I think conviction in the Senate is too much to hope for, but if impeachment proceedings cause all these fascists to eat each other alive, I’m here for it.

I fully expected this impeachment defense to work its way to Trump exclaiming “You can’t impeach me, because Mike Pence was in on it and that’d make Nancy the President!”

Well, this is confirmation as to why he threw Pence under the bus when this first started to break.

This is what has always killed me. At the root of the whole “Actually, I hope Donald Trump stays in office, because Mike Pence would be so much worse” argument, there is the implication that he’s some master of the dark arts of politics. That he’s some chess master who knows how the machine works.

Also “the lack of burden sharing by European partners”: get the fuck outta here with that noise; European countries have given Ukraine more than twice as many funds to fight Putin’s aggression as the US has. (That’s as ass-backwards as Trump’s incessant sad whining that NATO hasn’t “paid us enough” or however he interp