“...pull out the “Jesus’ Get Out Of Jail Free Card” by claiming that they later prayed and God forgave them of any heinous shit they pull.”
“...pull out the “Jesus’ Get Out Of Jail Free Card” by claiming that they later prayed and God forgave them of any heinous shit they pull.”
Remember, these are the same folks that are against porn and LGBTQ folks, then get divorced and come out as gay or abused children. Not linking the two like the evangelicals do, just want to make that clear.
If the president weren’t already guilty of numerous offenses for which he should already have been impeached and removed, his reactions to the whistleblower complaint and the investigation it precipitated serve as reminders that this is a man dangerously unfit for the office he holds, who has no compunction about…
They’ll rationalize it by saying that it’s understandable and forgivable because he’s under such immense pressure from the godless Democrats and that they’ll pray to God he’ll be forgiven.
The idiocy is coming out of his eyes, out of his whatever!
A mote in point’s eye.
“Well, there’s an election coming up in a year, and we don’t want to influence it in any way, obviously...”
That is sadly plausible, considering he’s never played a sport that presents risk of injury.
The moops?
It’s mostly when the cameras are on. He thinks if people don’t SEE him say it, he’s still a respectable person. He believes twitter exists in some other universe, though.
Whatever it is, the point is definitely mute.
A moo point as well.
The Democratically controlled Congress has passed over 100 bills that are awaiting action in the Senate. They have done their job to build up America, but the GOP hates America and is doing everything they can to destroy this country. So now it is time to fight back and start draining the swamp, starting in the Oval…
This is all a moat point.
I just listened to his news appearance with the President of Finland. Poor sucker was held captive, and could only offer “Yes, Finland is a happy country.” Cheetolini is throwing everything up against the wall hoping something — anything — is gonna stick.
Likely explanation: He believes it’s called a “cockstrap” because it covers your cock.
Perhaps “Fuck him.”?
Just more locker room talk?