
In a statement on Friday, Talladega College issued a “sincere apology to all of those who were hurt by Mr. Banner’s divisive commentary,” explaining that the address “does not reflect the views of the College,”

“Before making hits such as “Like a Pimp” and that other song that’s not “Like a Pimp...”


You know what happens when you make “David Banner” angry?  You won’t like him when he’s angry...

Please tell me there is film of this speech. I want to see how many white people’s mouths hit the floor during the speech. I also want to see footage of the President of the college having a stroke or heart attack during it.

+1. You did it before me and did it right.

I have to give the give the guy some credit. He didn’t start off with ‘IF I offended anyone” or “anyone I might have offended.” He’s still a long way from getting a job with a US sports team until he learns how to “apologize” like that. 

Change scares my feelings, which, when you have them, are gay.

I have never thought that thing I said” is pretty impressive by the admittedly already high standard of bullshit to say in insincere apologies. 

Geppedo, amiright? (Yea, I know it’s spelled Geppetto…)

It’s a me, Pedo!

The Rhythm eventually gets you.

OK but why didn’t the bank alert them of fraud when he was charged $75 for tickets to a “professional” football game?

In South Beach they call that Getting In The Door

Gotta say, that bank is on point with the potential frauds. Hearing “Fan requires $724 worth of beer to get through Dolphins game” sounds uncannily plausible.

This was a long walk but I starred you for the effort to get there.

What that vendor is shocking! You usually get 4 beers for that price.

I shall invent a device that alerts Dolphins fans when they are being erroneously charged for purchases. It will emit a Dolphin-call shriek if a skimmer is used to rack up a fraudulent charge. I will call it “the Miami Sound Machine.”

Monday Night Football used to be this marquee matchup. The big game of the week. Or so we were lead to believe. For at least the past two seasons it has been worse than Thursday Night Football. This is the kind of game that should have been a regional 1est/12cst matchup. Dreadful.

In a battle between Cincinnati and Pittsburgh, the only real winners are the meth dealers.