I like your style. Keep up thre good fight.
I like your style. Keep up thre good fight.
No, I think it should stay in use. I think we should keep beating that particular dead horse until some player, somewhere, manages to earn a lifetime ban from the NFL for something other than kneeling for the anthem. I want to see the other behavior that makes every team in the NFL say “I don’t care if he’s got talent…
That will probably be my last dig on that front. I’ve been broken, but this seemed as good a time as any to rehash some bullshit.
If only all NFL owners had the moral fortitude to just not sign a headhunting sociopath, but let’s be real here. Not like he did something dangerous or distracting like, I dunno, refusing to stand for the national anthem.
Honestly, I think Vontaze Burfict lasting until the 4th game before suspension signals some small growth and maturity.
Odd, considering what a complete horse’s ass he is otherwise.
I think he’s trying to angle himself so his ample gut doesn’t stick out as much.
I think we all know where this is headed . . .
There’s a cop in minnesota who’s serving time for killing an australian woman. How is he in jail?
As a long-time Bears fan, it was hard to believe the quarterback overthrowing receivers, holding onto the ball too long, and getting strip sacked wasn’t playing for Chicago.
I’d like to think that too, but we’re in the Upside Down now, so it seems like no level of decorum or respect, no matter how basic, can be expected any more.
Mitt Romney will add that this is “probably not what I would have done in the same situation.”
Black Hole 2020
The way to stem a possible civil war is to reprogram Grampa’s TV so that he can’t access Fox News.
Trump really needs to be careful though because the some in the GOP will only be quiet for so long.
The only reason I’m not more of an alarmist about this is because Trump’s most fervent supporters are also establishment sycophants that prefer to do their “winning” from the comfort of their La-Z-Boys with Fox News warbling in the background. This isn’t to say that there aren’t any Trump supporters that would answer…
If this is accepted or upheld, it sets the terrifying precedent that anyone who is undocumented lacks literally any legal rights in the US, including the right not to be killed en masse by the government.
And, most importantly of all, it doesn’t list what a citizen can do, it lists what the government CANNOT do.