
There are numerous examples of this kind of round-number-chasing in meaningless September/October games; leave it to the Red Sox to shit away a full season THEN get their sanctimonious panties in a bunch when the opposition reminds them they are playing in meaningless games.

So... CB Bucknor is the hero because he made an intentionally bad call to end this episode of bullshitball? Man, fuck everyone associated with this farce.

You know how I know you’re gay?


Ah, yes, the old rainbow flag operation.

they suspect the host, Seth Dunlap, of accessing the station’s Twitter account and tweeting the slur at himself.

Good because right wing goobers totally need more evidence to angrily shout that all hate crimes are hoaxes 

I hope he starts a fucking witch hunt* in his staff and they start turning on him and leaking like crazy as they are under the siege of his abuse and threats. You have to imagine almost anyone working for him is a self-serving asshole and they will save themselves if they feel cornered and Trump doesn’t seem like the

As long as they’re also in the bus, let’s hope.

It’s been their strategy since 2015 and it's worked so far.

Boy, they are just going to drive this “the real crime is the reporting of the crime” bus right off the cliff, aren’t they?

Without the drinking, Drew is basically Jon Stewart’s character from half-baked now.

Legally speaking, the Rams, Broncos, Seahawks, and Chargers could all test out a switch if the NFL let them. I have zero faith in that ever happening.”

No, it’s by design. Florida laws have been essentially written by the gun lobby and conservative think tanks for decades now, going back to before Jeb Bush.

- anti-gay, bigoted, and hostile

Dunlap will receive such a large settlement that WWL will roux the day.

All-news formats are still alive in major metro areas. One of the NYC stations is what I wake up to every morning. Sports radio, on the other hand, needs to be flung into a volcano, no matter the frequency.

How else am I going to listen to the hijinks of B-rad and the Weasel in the morning?

One thing to add, Fox News and others on the right have been going all-out in a shamelessly dishonest campaign to suggest the whistleblower broke the law or was otherwise the “real” guilty party here. The DNI’s office has publicly stated that nothing is further from the truth:

That’s what gets me too. The earbuds, the ice cream, the Gucci Main book- he just wanted to relax in his own place.

I have never been so exhausted that I: parked on the wrong floor, walked into the wrong apartment (oh, also, if I showed up and “my” apartment door was open without me unlocking it I’d call 911 and only do something if the person inside, ostensibly a burglar, tried to leave), mistook the wrong apartment for mine, and