
He should be hauled in front of House Committees on Intelligence  & Judiciary and disbarred for perjury 

Might as well throw a Press Secretary that won’t interact with the press on top of a National Labor Relations Board that’s anti-labor, an Environmental Protection Agency that’s destroying the environment, a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau that hates consumers, and a president who’s a raging sack of shit.

Turner is a retired Orlando PD officer who was previously reprimanded for excessive force.

Too many coaches trying to play 4d chess the whole game when a straightforward checkers approach will do just fine.

Can’t stand the heat, get out of the heat

At the very least, it’s a good thing that the guy is willing to stand up and face the press after a game like that.

An inexperienced coach needs a reliable brain trust around him.

Freddy Kitchens sinks even lower.

When pressed for solutions on how he’s going to fix his kicker problems, Arians responded brusquely, “We’re not going to yell and scream at him. We are going to support Matt and gently focus on converting extra points and field goals with him this week in practice. It’s Gay Conversion Therapy all next week.” *mic cuts

+1,000 years

Welcome to America in 2019, where Arians claim to be helping a Gay but really just want to set them further back.

The thing about crowning achievements is that some societies are so starved of leadership that they’ll bestow rule with the least forethought. Defeating a backwards rabble of pirates is hardly the foundation of government.

Somebody save this for WYTS 2020.

I’m surprised he didn’t he blame it on the California rule which has yet to go into effect.

Leach was distracted by the failure of the Area 51 "storming" yesterday.

Shut ‘er down. Peak “Coug’n It” has been achieved.

I am a Badger. I walked on to the team during the Ron Dayne era and was promptly cut after a semester (humble brag). Charles Woodson absolutely lit up Wisconsin in the 97' matchup at Camp Randall, so I have nothing but respect:

Hey, don’t hate on Urban. That’s the look of a man who worked deep into the night grading papers for his ethics and leadership in sports class and has earned the right to watch a little ball on Saturday.