You joke but I’m beginning to think this might be the only way to save the planet.
You joke but I’m beginning to think this might be the only way to save the planet.
Why are the grays so fucking stupid? You’ve got illiterate motherfuckers complaining you having written an article about Taylor Swift but apparently didn’t either read enough to understand what you were writing about or is too fucking stupid to understand that talking about Taylor Swift’s pretense at ignorance at the…
More importantly, black women saved Alabama from electing a fucking pedophile to the US Senate and Doug Jones has been a complete fucking waste of space there.
This is expecially dumb because Beyonce was out there is a pant-suite trying to get Hilary elected in 2016. Beyonce can’t fix a fucked electoral system.
100% agree. But the GOP has been getting away with this shit since Ford pardoned Nixon. I know i wont forget but our wonderful elites usually have other ideas.
100% agree. I am honestly appreciative of Trump being so dumbly honest w/his corruption. The media wiped the W admin off the map immediately and the same will happen with trump. There will be no repercussions. All the elites will still have dinner together and will go to the same fancy parties.
Yup. In the future, the GOP is going to pretend that Trump was an aberration, but the only difference between him and a more “traditional” Republican is that Donnie can't stop saying the quiet parts out loud.
Im 48 and the GOP has been anti-intellectual pretty much my whole life. To continue with their goal of minority rule/apartheid we will see them turn ever more explicitly into some straight up khmer rouge shit by, say, 2030?
I remember talking with the early union organizers as an adjunct at my college in the early 2000s, and I suspect you speak the truth. Yet I wonder if it would have been this explicitly aimed at academia under a less overtly anti-intellectual republican admin?
And of course, there are bad-faith assholes responding to that tweet saying the poor, poor little Mr. Crenshaw was right to say they weren’t there to have a conversation. When, I bet if he simply invited them to sit down in his office, they certainly could have.
What is it with all these politicians lacking real vision?
If someone ever writes a biography about me, that’ll almost assuredly be the title.
Peripheral issue!
To be fair, he probably did see them coming, but thought they were further away than they were when he started running.
Awful and tasteless. Have a star.
“As Crenshaw notes, the interaction was clearly set up to be on video.”
Bet he didn’t see that coming.