I too would much rather “sail the high seas” than wade the swimming pools of bullshit money grabs like this!
I too would much rather “sail the high seas” than wade the swimming pools of bullshit money grabs like this!
If by “wokeness” Patronis means “people being made aware of corporate malfeasance and the government’s complicity in it,” then he’s spot on.
Okay my dude, now that you’re “between jobs,” why don’t you bring that energy to the front lines of Ukraine? See how far that gets ya...
Good point. We are talking about the woman who flexed drinking “alkaline water...” with a lemon in it!
Your last question should have been the FIRST question asked...by both you and I.
My dude, is Bailey trippin’ about the women who fawn over you at your concerts or twerkin’ in your videos (TBH this is the first I’ve ever heard of this dude so I don’t know if he’s even at Bailey’s level of fame for all that)? If not, STFU and be blessed to be “the chosen one” in her eyes...if you didn’t just fuck…
I, for one, refuse to judge her on her “analingus preferences” (or lack thereof). To each their own.
Okay, I’ll bite. Sotomayor is “JUST AS CORRUPT” as Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Roberts (don’t know enough about Barrett to lump her in with her fellow conservative Justices yet).
Agreed. Getting Kotick and his fellow frat bros out the paint is a decent consolation prize for having to watch a gaming shark morph into a gaming orca.
It's one thing for drug addicts to steal catalytic converters; but car dealers themselves? What a cutthroat black market indeed...
Too tame. He’d describe them like Joe Pesci’s character did in “Casino:” Sand N*****s.
Zaslav's ax severs another undeserved head.
We men are all good with women "releasing the titty" until we hook up with owners of said titties; then we try to cuff the titties like they're on our own bodies.
On the one hand, last I heard Usher still has “the herp,” so I can kinda understand Jackson’s “trepidation” over Palmer grinding on the dude.
SAS is, arguably, one of ESPN’s biggest “sports/culture/politics/social issues” mixers. He is also, inarguably, their highest-paid “journalist.” So if the impetus for all these layoffs were truly about “not sticking to sports,” SAS would have been the first, and most cost-efficient, head to roll.
In Robinson’s delusional mind Hitler would consider him "one of the good ones," whereas in reality at best he would be on the same level of Mussolini: a useful idiot.
I blame Ticketmaster. Their monopolous grift on entertainment bookings may have given concert goers an overinflated sense of entitlement with regard to their behavior at these venues.
Insidious subliminal eye/earworms.
We stigmatize sex work legitimately performed by and for consenting adults while “excusing” actual sexual exploitation by “morally upstanding” institutions such as the Catholic Church.
...OR an adult (middle-aged actually) Pebbles spoon-feeding her elderly dad her cereal at his retirement home.