
CSC took over security at University of Wisconsin events a few years back. First weekend they blocked people from returning to seating sections from restrooms or concessions without showing ticket stubs. They were so authoritarian that the athletic department was forced to apologize on Monday. My guess is that their

In a word: Kennebufuckingport

Yep, never heard a southern accent in Truro or Ptown. You?

Also, go fuck yourself. Fucking teenager.

Great idea, we’ll ask you to decide what gets published and what doesn’t, but that’s not censorship, what the fuck was I thinking?

Sure, but as soon as one the pricks ventures outside the Full of Surprises state, the dumb-and-proud-of-it southern drawl kicks in. A revolting klan.

Fun fact! My aristocratic Great Aunt once told me (while puffing on a cigarette at the Cosmopolitan Club, IIRC) that GHW Bush peed on her lap when he was like six. She didn’t think much of the family. The implication was that they’re all cowardly sissy-boys.

No one wants to own them. Someone’s got to. Let’s send them back to the old world.

I am too, and I’d like to think there isn’t, but sadly, it’s true.

I’m a New Englander and there’s nothing New England about any Bush.

Yeah thanks, Belic... oh right, the game was in Denver.

I’m OK with that language. It was one cluster-fucked game by the officials.

Dean Blandino said:

This is why we need legal euthanasia, people.

Fuck you. You want to censor the news, get a job at fucking faux noise.

of overinflated piss-blimp Donald Trump

I think we’re all very much aware of how much importance the league puts on things like evidence when it comes to drawing conclusions.

Fun fact: There would be less controversial penalties if flags weren’t thrown on every other fucking play

Sure, blame the media.