I hope she can heal herself enough to get back to being objectified for profit
I hope she can heal herself enough to get back to being objectified for profit
Hey six to go, for the tie!
The Minnesota flags aren’t yours, kids. 17 championship flags flying in Boston. I know. Go Galaxy!
Yeah, not a clippers fan. I’m a Celtics fan. Try again.
(Stolen/modified from the Onion: http://www.theonion.com/graphic/derek-…)
I love this. The Lakers suck. Their coach sucks. One half of their owners suck. All their fans are like Danny Devito in Twins: the leftover shit. Fuck them. I’m happy.
Step 1: Preheat Oven to 325 degrees
The dear readers of The Los Angeles Times weigh in:
The police ARE children. Maladjusted, improperly socialized children. With guns.
Of course he was.
Amendola was beyond the defender and there was one defender at the 5 yard line, who happened to be engaged with Rob freaking Gronkowski.
What calls do they get that other teams do not get? The freaking red blinking gaffe in this game was an *egregious* mistake that screwed the Patriots out of 70+ yards and/or a TD.
It wasn’t a facemask and the guy that called it was 20 plus yards away and couldn’t even see it. The guys that were closest to the play overruled him.
What calls went the Patriots way in that game?
Except the grays are full of people complaining about the Patriots. Porxaderp linked to one of them. And calling me a Pats fan? You must be new around here.
And the final score was.....? I enjoy Deadspin’s take on games, big plays, athletes, etc. I just wish you’d quickly add the final score more often. I know you guys think it’s “old fashioned”, but it seems like a reasonable request.
a fun, close game between two of the league’s best teams
Dammit Barry, you just had to mention the Patriots’ line shift. Now the comment section is full of butthurt Steelers fans. Shifting along the line is not cheating. Shit, man, you can shift the D-line before the snap in video games. Shouting out a fake snap count when you’re on defense is cheating. Learn the difference…