There once was a Sean from the city,
There once was a Sean from the city,
I give this trade one thumb up.
I’ve been playing for more than 35 years and have over twenty guitars. This is my best advice to new players looking to buy a guitar:
I’ve been playing guitar for over 50 years; what I lack in talent I make up for in longevity. I got started during the folk music craze of the early ‘60s; Peter, Paul and Mary were my heroes. I’ve had a long succession of acoustic, and a few electric guitars, finally getting my long-desired Martin Dreadnaught.
There’s one thing sorely missing from this article - ergonomics. Make sure the guitar feels good to hold, and take your time to feel different cuts of guitar necks and see what feels comfortable for your fretting hand.
The biggest mistake I ever made was buying a Gibson Les Paul studio that has a neck like a baseball…
It’s sad that someone would think that after reading this article.
Yup. Amazon is completely insidious these days, they’re integrated into everything, just like Google. Without some viable alternative, its not going anywhere. I dont want to love it, but I keep ordering like 5 things a week >_> It’s too good!
I’m using Amazon now and then, but only when I can’t find what I’m looking for near where I live. And I usually don’t care about getting my stuff the next day, so whenever I can get the free shipping option, I get it.
You win the internet for life👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
Might as well just say “Stop breathing air.”
Aim to masturbate for about 20-30 minutes every day
What spirit! Once again, Andrew Luck shows us the difference between having a permanent chip on your shoulder and having one in it.
The nearest orthopedist.
Even Mike Pence had to sit down in the middle of that singing of the anthem.
Do you have any proof that Huawei is spying on people Patrick? You don’t, because there isn’t any, there isn’t any evidence of intention, there is nothing there, just smoke and mirrors.
I don’t understand, you guys are lamenting how AC has suffered b/c of the media cycle, but no one is covering it and you “might try to take another dive,” if you get around to it. If you think it’s worth discussing, why don’t you cover it? By “you cover it” I mean AV Club collectively, not you personally.
It’s not dreadful. It’s perfectly serviceable. There are zillions of movies worse than it.
I wish this site covered Altered Carbon
How about you guys stop talking about this asshole, sick and tired of hearing about him...