
Nope. Football is doomed. Not enough parents will let their child play tackle football. It will take a generation but it is done. Think about all the old players from the 70's and 80's that can barely function today. Offensive linemen back then were like 285 pounds. I remember it being big news when the Cowboys in the

So do the Colts get a banner for this or not?

I’m not saying there won’t be people wearing Hernandez jerseys because there will probably be a few. But I’m betting they’ll be outnumbered by people wearing Riley Cooper jerseys.

I’d assumed that it was a note that said, “HELP” scrawled in blood.

Service animals and emotional support animals are not the same.

Come at me, but this “emotional support animal” is bullshit. If you need help with flight anxiety, take a tranquilizer or booze, like a normal sane person. Animals - no exceptions, dogs, cats, whatever! - have no business inside a passengers cabin.

Just sending out a PSA: If you’re like me and pre-ordered this game on Amazon, they’re apparently out of stock until March 9th. I pre-ordered the Ps4 Standard Edition. I know I’ve heard issues of people not receiving their games on launch with Amazon before, but this was the first time it’s ever happened to me.

He was found hanging from a tree. Probably by Logan Paul.

For some reason, Amazon has become an unreliable retailer of games on release during the last year or two

I had the same thing happen to me. Got fed up and cancelled the order so I could buy the digital version. Had they given me some idea when it might arrive I would have waited, but on release day and still no ship date? Forget it.

Unrelated, but has anyone had their pre-orders delayed by Amazon? I pre-ordered the PS4 standard edition and still don’t even have an expected delivery date. Knew I should I have just bought the digital version.

Latino or Latin-American. Thank you.

This article is written as if the Grammys were suppose to hand out the awards to all the woman

Pretty amazing how she came up with the courage to talk so tough while to the most hated man in American while sentencing him. The humblebrag “I”m not vulnerable” was incredibly brave.

Heartbreaker is worse.

I would argue he did more than enough to justify Luke’s current state—his nephew, whom he probably felt like a father to, and the first true “heir” to the Skywalker & jedi line, turned (or was turning, or so Luke assumed). Worse, Luke, who is human and unsure of literally every move he’s making b/c the jedi are no

Nice to hear of the changes, but man—I’ve lost all will to play anymore. A case of too little too late maybe?

I’ve played through the original trilogy 4 separate times (Male and Female, both Renegade and Paragon). I can quote many of the scenes by heart; other scenes I can play with my eyes closed. One of these days I swear I’ll go and get the TWO missing achievements from the entire trilogy (1 from 1, 1 from 3 DLC). I own

This is the first outright negative review I’ve seen for this movie, and it kind of reads as though the reviewer is just holding a grudge against James Franco. So ... I’m still gonna go see it.