
I agree, and that’s why it needs to change. We do need small indie devs but we also need to change how economics works. Just cuz it is the way it is doesn’t mean it needs to stay that way, and it certainly doesn’t mean it’s always been like that. Nearly everything we take for granted has been around for up to a few

You might want to reread my comment and think about why you personally inferred all that stuff I never actually wrote.

That is a wildly unrealistic way to lump literally thousands of different things together. A child shoplifting a bag of chips is a crime. That is completely different from sexual harassment and assault. Not all crimes are bad, in fact many things that are crimes are actually good. Stealing food because you’re starving

The reality is that the net result of a list like that is positive.

yup. It truly boggles my mind. I spent the last 15 years working non-profits and I’ve been at a tech company the past year and it’ stupid. It’s mind boggling how little emphasis is placed on actually making a truly good and important product. All the focus is expanding the product and adding more features and

I’ll never understand the wildly arbitrary and ever changing metrics by which mega corporations define “success”.

I’m loving Axiom Verge and I’m loving all the Metroidvania’s popping around and aiming to play even more lol - I agree Axiom Verge may be particularly hard to navigate compared to some others, perhaps because of the nature/quality of the map. For example, I also played Dandara (and fucking loved it) and it has a

Currently working through: Cosmic Star Heroine, Katamari Damacy Reroll, Shining in the Darkness on Sega Classics, Mario + Rabbids, and Axiom Verge. Also still continuously playing Dead Cells and Into the Breach heh. Trying to get to 4 cells on Dead Cells (at 3 now and it’s hard as hell)

god it’s such a good list of games. The problem of so many incredible games now being made by small companies and being released everywhere is ruining best of lists haha. But it’s a good thing so, who cares! Maybe exclusive game lists would be better? And then a lengthier list of all cross platform games? I honestly

I only played the first one and it much fun. Really excited to get the 3rd (assuming good reviews!) on Switch.

I’d be down to play other ones but....I don’t have any way to. I don’t have any consoles at all besides a Switch. I have a PC which has Berseria and I think that’s it.

Just wanna say thanks to all the Kotaku staff. It’s been a rough year for me personally and I look forward to reading all the articles, seeing the videos, listening to Splitscreen, reading game reviews, etc. Being able to go somewhere to read about the stuff I love without having to worry about whether or not the

you never know with the internet :)

Are you assuming she should have the entire game layout memorized from a 21 year old game? Or for that matter....a game that came out this year? I’ve played hundreds of games and I don’t remember the entire layout of any of them.

Dang I may need to actually try this one out. I’ll probly wait for the price to go down, and maybe watch some folks playing it to see how I like it, but yea it looks fun and I haven’t played any Tales games. 

i...can’t believe that game is 10 years old. good god....

yea, it is definitely the worst online service I’m aware of for games. Nothing out there is perfect, but playstation, sony, and even counting all the individual launchers i’ve used - origins, bethesda, blizzard, riot, etc all have significantly better online services.

haha well that I agree with. But if corporations actually make it feasible to get access to their back catalogues in a reasonably priced way, I don’t have a problem with paying for it. Of course I’d hope the money goes to the actual devs but....let’s not even get into that.

I dunno if you’ve been around young kids lately, but millions of them are obsessively playing fortnite online and watching youtube online. Every single young kid I know primarily uses or experiences games online. Fortnite alone is a widespread problem permeating the entire US public education system. These kids grew
