It’s Oxenfree for $5 and 733 bonus games!
It’s Oxenfree for $5 and 733 bonus games!
Same. Motivation is a mothefucker. Also short attention span. I guess that’s probably why using stuff like Adderrall is so prominent in writing. Or alcohol.
I think the only work of fiction I’ve ever written to completion was a joke short story I wrote about my friend when I was trashed one night. It made him laugh,…
Outer Wilds has an ‘i’ in it because ‘I’ played it.
This article paints such a vivid experience of watching the last decade in transformation and the duality of representation and exclusion that has come with a renewed interest in video game gender politics. It’s not one I experienced firsthand, but one that I was painfully forced to watch my gaming friends suffer…
This was an excellent read.
I usually don’t have time to read the Kotaku features, so I fully expected to browse the first couple of paragraphs and move on.
The cost is irrational, since it is set by emotionally compromised and mentally unstable losers.
Just a heads up: If you get shitty or mean in these comments I’ll remove them. Go be an asshole somewhere else.
yooo if youre not even at the bloody baron yet, you’ve barely started! it gets pretty intense the further you get in. a lot of the stuff early game is just introducing things.
When I first started it, I was having doubts too. But I hope you stick with it because it became my favorite game of all time (not that my opinion matters to you).
Golf Story is one of the best games on Switch, and I eagerly await the followup. If there were an option to preorder it today, I would.
Those 2017 Nintendo games were miles beyond everything else.
For real. In trying to convey to students that politics simply concerns human interactions that involve both power and conflict, I’ve seen too many of them fail to grasp that. I suppose it doesn’t help that in everyday speech we hardly ever specify what facet of politics we are talking about at any given time.
To be fair, she was only three weeks old.
“Daddy, why must you leave me and go back to working for an herb?”
Deadspin forever.
I’ve seen people complain online that it’s ‘not a real RPG’ who I can only assume don’t actually know what the letters in RPG stand for. The RPG video game has sadly become ossified to such an incredible extent, in such a munchkin/murderhobo direction, that gamers see an actual role playing game and aren’t even…
There can only be one Mike Pence.
I … I don’t understand...
- dude makes anti-Semitic jokes
- dude gets shit for it, rightfully
- dude says he’s going to donate to ADL as a way to take responsibility
- some idiots on the internet don’t like this
- he decides not to donate to them, as a way to... take responsibility??
I feel like I’m missing a piece of logic…