
Literally the same way I got here in the first place!

Holy shit. This place is one of my go-to media outlets for political news. I really do love it here. I’m so sorry for the staff. Thanks for a decade (for me) of your talents. Much Love. 

Dodai surprised the hell out of me by doing the same thing when I was Rudedog. Those were the days.

I remember her as MoGlo

Wow Crystal just added you to her follower list. I hear she may be making a guest appearance at Splinter soon. Just a rumor.

Are you celebrating your Festivus “airing of grievances” early this year?

Well, hell. First TWP, now this. And guessing that the Root will be next. Fuck corporate overlords. Still bitter over losing Shade Court. RIP, Jez. 

If you were genuinely Crystal Jewell then thank you for some of the most deranged laughs I’ve gotten on the internet.

OMG what?!?! I’ve been a daily reader since 2005/Free Katie days. TODAY is the first time I’m commenting. I’m so sad! So many great interviews and necessary snark. I’m a librarian and your author/book reviews were great.

Dropped a comment there in case anyone wants to add to it. Waiting for it to be approved so it can come out of the greys.

I will genuinely miss this site every day. It had its faults, but at its best, it was fucking awesome. Best of luck to the entire staff, hope something better for you is on the horizon.

Pour one out for Jez, even if I was never let out of the greys

I started reading Gawker every day around 20 years ago when I still lived in NYC, probably more for the local gossip than anything else. When I moved to the other side of the world, it was one way I maintained a connection to “home” at the time.

I am the caretaker at Splinter, which is still online with fully functioning Kinja comment sections. I will ungrey any Jezebel mourners who wish to leave condolences at the Splinter link below. My customary mode is funereal, so this will be no imposition.

Fucking Spanfeller. Fuck you .

RIP Jezebel. With some of the Gawker sites not taking comments anymore (Quartz, The Root, Deadspin), and the departure of Lifehacker, there’s very little reason to believe all of Gawker isn’t doomed. What a disappointment - this place used to be great.

That was creative storytelling. Anyone who checked Crystal’s and my comment history knew that. Also, I don’t believe Hamilton Nolan was TomatoFace.

If there’s anyone still around, please drop a story so we’ll have a place devoted to commiserating with our fellow-Jezzies about the closure.

Are you also Laura Bassett? What was that?

it’s shutting down and i never got out of the greys. :’(