
It diminishes the nature of the specific hatred Jewish people in Germany were targeted by - based on immutable ethno-religious characteristics and backed up by centuries of religious bigotry and decades of more recent pseudo science, aided and abetted by state actors, targeting an entire class of people from newborns

Can Cara Dune have a Wookie life partner that uses they/them pronouns as well?   I’m sure Gina would be fine with that.

In honor of Carl Weathers

Trans and fully vaccinated against the deadly space virus that’s spreading across the local solar systems

It’s a small miracle she got any work at all after her other disastrous work on screen. She’s fine when she’s just running around punching and kicking people or putting them in armbars, but once she has to act—like really act by delivering lines or exhibiting emotions that her character feels... it falls apart pretty

The best response I’ve seen is that Disney makes her character canonically trans. “I’m Cara Dune. I was born a man, but I identify as a woman,” as we watch the impotent rage behind her eyes.

I don’t know how we dehumanize people by [...]” Nothing you suggested is inherently dehumanizing, I was merely noting that such a push is often accompanied by some pulling further.

I don’t know how we dehumanize people by not allowing them to come on a tv show and joke around with them and downplay the awful policies they ascribe to.

As far as that goes, South Carolina did give Mace a coupon for 80% off her most heavily Black precincts in her district.

Just a horrible misandrist, I guess.

While I agree we must treat people accordingly when they’re outside the bounds of society (and can’t think of a GQP plank that isn’t disqualifying), I also believe we should, for our own good, endeavor to not dehumanize them as we do so. (Admittedly, some of those ghouls have pretty much dehumanized themselves,

How dare you minimize his accomplishments!

Gotta love how everyone is shocked when a member of the Republican party turns out to be a fucking idiot/sociopath.

“Make Orwell Fiction Again” - I have this on a tShirt.

I guess Travis Kelce isn’t as big a deal as Taylor Swift ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

there are pictures of them hugging backstage so no, I don’t think there’s any bad blood or lack of respect there

I’ve certainly asserted that every Republican has had to be a horrible person for years now, and I’m confident in and comfortable with it’s truth; still and all, much like her putative “recent, almost comical, 180 about Donald Trump” Mace is at least more complicated than what’s presented here:

LOL...the certain asshole’s years weren’t so much political theater as political community theater.

A step up?

I didn’t watch the grammys, but i’m just wondering if they showed Travis Kelce every time Taylor Swift won an award? Did they mention Travis Kelce every time Taylor Swift won an award? Did they mention Travis Kelce periodically during the broadcast. Did they cut away from others winning awards to show or mention Travis