
I would like to echo Jamie Lee Curtis’s call for matinee concerts. Although, in Madge’s case, it would be an early dinner concert.

Same here. I even thought some of the social media posts with him and Olivia Munn were cute.

Peplums look terrible on almost everyone. TIL I learned that there are peplum sweaters and they, too, look terrible.

At one point in my life (20 years ago?) I thought anklets were really something awesome.

I think we know the answer to that. IIRC, even in 2008, the commentariat had problems with a lack of nuance regarding national politics. In that particular instance, I’m remembering the divisiveness between Obama and Clinton supporters.

I forgot how destructive the almond industry is to California’s resources. I use almond milk daily in a smoothie. I can easily switch back to soy (lactose intolerant).

TIL about quokkas. Thank you!

IDK if it’s because Jez was off-line or what, but this DB made me chuckle. Dave & Buster’s, indeed.

So glad you guys are back! I’m going to party like it’s 2007! 

This is, indeed, a bag of dirt since y’all are shuttering the site. Dodai made me a ‘starred’ commenter back in the early days of Jez. I have fond memories from Anna Holmes’s leadership up until the present day. Even though I’ve found the latest iteration of the site hard to swallow at times, it’s still been a

This site has been part of my daily online routine since I found it through GoFugYourself many years ago. How crappy!

Laura Bush is a former librarian and has a master’s in library science. 

I admit to some schadenfreude over the on-line rage that some of these folks have over the Chalamet/Jenner hookup. It’s almost as delicious as the on-line rage was over Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston.

I have no familiarity with her but this is an amazing description.


Daphne Barak is a hack. Many years ago I worked for a tabloid tv show as a PA and her interviews were always very, very sketchy.

I think you’re reading too much into it.  Also, I don’t expect her to speak about this person’s actions.

This is a good choice.

I am just really glad that Britney’s getting therapy. Hopefully it’s helpful to her. I can’t imagine what a mindfuck it would be to have your entire family conspire to keep you incapacitated.

Thank you for saying this.