
I hope Beto’s efforts here aren’t forgotten in 2024 and that he runs again. 200,000 is not an insurmountable number of votes.

The base just wants to touch her butt. They don’t want her to actually be in charge of shit.


He has a bit of that brutish handsomeness that Daniel Craig has, so I agree with you. And he’s age appropriate.

Yikes. Not every couple needs to have Eva Mendes/Ryan Gosling or Joe Mangianello/Sofia Vergara levels of conventional attractiveness.  Salma Hayek and Francois-Henri Pinault have always seemed reasonably happy together, isn’t that enough?

Of course Machine Gun Kelly wears a lil’ necklace with a drop of Megan Fox’s blood floating in it. Naturally.

He deserves to live on whatever the opposite of Themyscira is.

Not to mention, the man that saw to her industry-wide near-total ban was Les Moonves, who was ousted by CBS following sexual misconduct allegations.

Meh - if one’s making amends and harms the recipient further, one isn’t actually making an amends.  The whole “amends” thing means sincerely atoning for behavior and changing one’s ways. It doesn’t mean revictimizing anyone.

HBO also parted ways with him for his upcoming series. It may not be as splashy as getting fired, publicly, but it is something.

Honestly, I find the “Modern Lovers issue” font the most exhausting.

Nobody knows who the fuck you are, Shannon.

The really nice thing about masks is that I don’t have to put up with assholes telling me to “Smile” all the time.

Obama coached (for a very short time) his daughter’s basketball team. And attended games. I mean, that’s gotta be a security nightmare.

If you’re protecting the VP from those assclown insurrectionists (as well as any other threat), you better be in tip top shape.

The idea that anyone would cheat on their spouse (well-loved, or otherwise) with Dolt45 is deeply humorous.

I am extremely happy that I no longer need to be concerned that the fate of the world is related to whatever emotion is running through his addled brain at the moment. In other words,

She’s salty two years later because when he stood up from a chair, it bumped into her with ‘some force’?

I’ve had my Simmons Beautyrest traditional spring mattress for 18 years now. I think about replacing it, but I always get a good night’s sleep and there’s no dents in it.

Just going to echo that I, also, miss Barf Bag. It was pretty well done.