
A friend encountered someone who was familiar with the insurrection. This person said there are a group of insurrectionists who would have absolutely killed the people in the room with the votes, if they had found them.

I’ve just always really liked her - I like that she’s being candid that she isn’t happy all the time. She seems somewhat introverted, bookish, and a little socially awkward.

Wait wait wait - you mean divert some of our ginormous military budget away from cutting edge weapons to actually taking care of the people who serve in the military?

Hopefully it’ll be a refresher course because we’ll have decided to add that to middle and high school curriculum as well. 

I didn’t previously realize that the Hamptons have septic systems, just like every rural resident here in “flyover country.”

What an obnoxious asshole. Misogyny from gay men is extra gross, as they often assume they get a ‘pass’ just for not wanting to fuck us.

I feel like he’s going to need to protect her in the club because she threw her shoe at somebody.

When I want to get ‘fancy’, I put lemon juice and celery in there. But I usually don’t have those things in the house, so it’s tuna, mayo, sweet relish, pepper, onion, salt/pepper, and spicy mustard.

This sounds delicious but lemon zest is a bridge too far for me (I’m lazy.)


I do not believe that mass vaccination is going to cure abusive parenting.

I did find this from Open Secrets. I am curious as to why Keller William realty thought she deserved $3500.

Excellent idea!

There were a few Republicans who admitted (anonymously) that they voted to not accept Biden’s election because of threats to their families. That’s....not a democracy.

She deserves to be forgotten, to not even be a footnote. Didn’t Joan of Arc burn at the stake?

This white supremacist piece of shit doesn’t deserve a job, much less a national platform or a seat in Congress. Why is she still allowed on Twitter?

I...I think I’m a book person. I love my books. I take pictures & post them of my #TBR bedside cairns when I’m happy that I’ve made a huge purchase. I save up money to go on book buying sprees. I have 7 book shelves in my basement that are double-stacked.

I hate reviews. I hate people that think they’re literary reviewers writing reviews. But I like keeping track of what I’m reading and absolutely destroying my reading goal for the year. Yeah, I may have dishes piled up in the sink, but I’m five books ahead of schedule!

As of last night, this chucklefuck was still tweeting from the official MyPillow twitter account.

I just feel a bit bad for all the factory people who depend on his company for jobs.