
This, along with random assholes saying they don’t have to wear masks because they have the vaccine (even though they don’t) are what I expect to happen in the coming months. Americans are nothing if not extraordinarily selfish.

The guy who posted the story used the handle ‘xmasshole’ - so people think it’s Chris Evans.

Is it Terrence Howard?

This is beautiful. I’m sorry for your loss. What a lovely way to spend Christmas with your husband.

My partner has been subjected to our family Christmases and is a bit shell-shocked. Christmas Eve without caroling makes no sense to me. :) Hope you had a great holiday and Happy New Year!

As someone who has spent her fair share of time in detox, I wish you the best. Happy New Year! 

My family has always gone all-in for Christmas Eve. We’re a family of band/choir geeks and drama nerds, all grown up. This isn’t one continuous memory, but rather a collection of remembrances.

Thank you so much for this comment. It adds much-needed context and perspective to the original post.

Between racism in medicine and racism in law enforcement and racism in the justice system, it’s almost like racism is institutional.

SJP and her “couldn’t help but wonder” nasal whine along with the other 3 and their white privilege problems, as well as the utter lack of diversity mean there’s nothing for me here.

There’s a lot of dollar amounts between $600 and $2000, you idiots. Don’t make me math for you.

Accusing someone of lying is bad faith - perhaps I made a mistake. The several articles I read (including Jez) said the crew members were looking at a computer screen wearing masks. 

I don’t really like the Amazon delivery service. I prefer to have packages delivered to my office and their delivery service means they frequently deliver after business hours (sometimes after 8PM) which means the office isn’t open.

My godmother was very into ceramics in the ‘80s and one year she made a 3 foot tall ceramic light-up tree for my parents for Christmas. When I bought my first house, my mom gifted it to me. Now it sits in the basement because I cannot risk putting it up while I’ve got an overexcited dog who barks at everyone that

The google search I did said the crew was wearing masks and not social distancing and I don’t know why you’re incredibly rude to me?

Apparently the crew members were wearing masks. They were violating social distancing protocol by standing closer than six feet.

I miss sushi & burgers and fries. Neither of those are the same outside a restaurant.

I’m so sorry about your mom. 

Just curious if you happen to know how long it takes to get reimbursed? My partner is fortunate enough to not live paycheck to paycheck, but he still hasn’t received the paid leave even though he submitted over a month ago.

When I was talking to HR about the situation, I was near tears with gratitude because of how (comparatively) generous the company was. Previously, I naively thought just about every employer would do that, if it was a fairly large company. I couldn’t believe my partner’s employer wasn’t paying him.