
My cousin had a birthday party for her toddler daughter in early March. We discussed how we were concerned about COVID-19 and my cousin and I said we were worried about our moms (both are cancer survivors). My aunt and mom laughed, and we all hugged good-bye.

According to his employer, you may get 2/3 of your wages reimbursed from the federal gov’t. if caring for a sick relative. He applied for that while we were in quarantine over a month ago. He still hasn’t received anything.

This makes me so angry. My employer is going above and beyond, in that we’re getting fully paid for quarantine while we

In this case, the common denominator is ‘binge drinking’ or ‘alcoholism.’ 

As a fellow person in recovery, wishing all the best to John Mulaney. Struggling in the pandemic is hard, as it is so isolating. A good support system (which it sounds like he has) is super helpful. Being sober is the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life, but it is totally worth it. 

LOL @ 20 somethings. Where I live, it’s Gen-xers and boomers that are heading to the neighboring state’s open bars and restaurants. My Millennial cousins are staying home.

What with the people in power having easier access to Remdisivir and vaccines, not much is likely to change regarding their behavior.

I don’t know how they became fashionable. They’re not as bad on women as they are on men, however.

This is a bit reminiscent of Jo from Facts of Life.

This is crazy! I have “good” insurance, which amounts to $5872/year. But my deductible is only $500 for me. My OOP maximum is the same as yours. Of course, our insurance costs are rated by salary, which makes a huge difference.

I’m a huge Eddie Izzard fan, I love this news! I knew that she was trans, but did not know her pronouns. 

I felt like I was no longer living, I was existing for the purpose of a corporations gain and ratings, and that killed me.

The pastor at the church I grew up in was an emotionally abusive asshole who also was dealing drugs out of the parsonage. My mom was his employee, at the time, and ended up having a nervous breakdown as a result of his behavior.

I don’t doubt that Cruise loves working with Atwell. Hayley Atwell is supposedly a consummate professional and she is a terrific actress. 

I have a three bedroom house with a fair-sized yard (fair = takes less than an hour to mow) and mine’s the only name on the mortgage. For that mortgage, I could be living in the studio apartment I rented in Echo Park. It was a charming apartment, but a 3BR house is better.

Fuck those fuckers right in their feelings.

Vaccination priority in the UK was also given to those over 80. Sir Ian McKellen is a celebrity and he is over 80. Thus, he was given the jab.

I’m hoping for Pramila Jayapal in a few years, but I don’t think she’s quite there yet.

I read for fluff & to shut my brain off, mostly fantasy and mysteries. My favorite books this year are

Is that what’s happening? OMG. I was wondering about all of these comments!