
Impolite society will welcome him with open arms, however. He will likely be holding campaign rallies until his terrible health habits catch up with him.

I know everyone likes to picture 45 going to prison like Angola or Rikers. But if it happens at all, it will be the country club type prison where he’ll be treated like a fucking celebrity, because well, he is.

I just really want him to be forced to live strictly on the presidential pension. He’d be dead in a matter of weeks.

My cousins did Zoom calls for their kids with Santa. Sure, it wasn’t as good as the ‘real’ deal, but it was a hell of a lot better than putting Grandma in the ICU!

Highly underrated comment.

This is true. Whether it is diet, exercise, or a combination of both - this can be a great way to reset. I just would not do a ‘cleanse’.  Also, it doesn’t sound like she did anything too extreme. She was still eating solid food. Alkaline water is b.s., but it doesn’t harm you.

Exactly...’on social media’ is the key to the whole debacle.

According to this article (which may be out of date), the U.S. has agreed to purchase 100 million doses of Pfizer, 100 million doses of Moderna, & 500 million of AstraZeneca. I would guess many who aren’t front-line or essential workers & aren’t high risk will be getting the AstraZeneca vaccine, just because of the

The cruelty & bigotry visited upon the world by this administration and its zealots (as well as its moderate supporters) is unparalleled in modern times, but I wouldn’t wish for someone to be sexually assaulted on social media.

I hope he’s biden (sorry) his time until the Georgia Senate run-off. Blasting the party you may need to work with on compromises during your term could backfire.

Well, Dr. Alford, I’m sorry you experienced this bullshit. I’ve worked in manufacturing for 20 years, with its attendant sexism, but I have never experienced the misery that you put forth in this post.

Murphy Brown was delightfully bitchy, smart, and witty as hell. After watching her on tv every week, I wanted Candice Bergen to be my mom.

That’s pretty much what I read as well. It’s quite uncomfortable for the folks that received it, of course, but no causation has been discovered.

My partner’s mom texted that she doesn’t recommend getting the COVID-19 vaccine because of the risk of Bell’s palsy.

this remains hilarious to me.

That is not true, according to the FDA

I think it’s the hands on thighs. I don’t know anyone who stands like that.

Also, I’m so sure that’s why he was racist to that cop. Because he is an alcoholic.

I am now saying, “look at this absolute unit” about my dog. She’s not impressed.

This is very instructive. I’m sorry that you were hurt, but it sounds like you grew from the experience, which is a net positive.