
This clinical trial is 2/3 vaccine, 1/3 saline solution, unlike the UK & Brazil trials where it was vaccine / meningococcal conjugate / saline. When the threshold of participants is reached (they are over halfway there) they’ll seek emergency FDA approval like Pfizer and Moderna. At that point, they’ll un-blind the

I haven’t heard about length of immunity - I read all the fine print I was given twice, but that wasn’t in there. I’m assuming they do not know yet, so you may be correct.

Not according to AstraZeneca. It’s the phase 3 clinical trial for the U.S. I guess they wanted to do a separate trial here than the one in the UK and Brazil.

It’s a two year study and I’ve only had one dose. I’m not sure what period of time the vaccine is supposed to be effective for, nor of its efficacy (because the earlier trial in the UK & Brazil had some deviations from standard protocol). Regardless, it meets the >50% threshold that the FDA requires. I’m not immune,

I just find it interesting how in my highly unscientific poll I’m up to 18 no-co-sleepers to 10 co-sleepers. That’s much higher than I expected.

I hope there are enough folks willing to get a vaccine that we can resume a semblance of normalcy. Between the 45 supporters who deny the severity of the disease (thus, they won’t get the vaccine) and the folks who distrust the administration so much that they aren’t willing to get a vaccine, it’s pretty frustrating.

Whenever my dog is gassy, she seems to want to sleep next to my head. She is also old and crotchety, and will bark indignantly anytime I roll over. It’s one of the joys of an aging pet.

I’m curious how many partnered folks would rather sleep alone? I prefer sleeping with my guy. Usually he and the dog sandwich me in, which is both cozy and occasionally stifling.

I hate this idea. Maybe it’s just because I pee a lot and Minnesota has four seasons. But the idea of staying in some outbuilding, without a restroom, that I have to be out in the elements to get to? No thanks. Make everyone else in the house leave.

Whatever, wine mom. Live, laugh, love!

Satin pillowcase:

Maybe she can be a deejay!

idk, man, if you threaten someone on the internet you should have to face some consequences like your ISP disconnects you for a year and your phone plan caps at 1MB/month. I just can’t fathom behaving so horribly toward another person.

Two thoughts:

I think it’s the fact that she’s cosplaying a blond Sarah Palin.


Our governor was on television telling us we have 200K Pfizer vaccines and that they’ll be distributed to 118 locations around the state, likely the week of 12/21. Long-term care residents and front-line health care workers (who have not had COVID-19 in the last 90 days) only.

I’d really love to hear of managers/restaurant owners kicking out customers who behaved this way. This is the opposite of David Sedaris’s “Citizen firing”. Service employees should be allowed to fire customers who violate their civil rights.

this is the correct answer that I didn’t know I was looking for. Spike was fine until he tried to rape her.