
As a fan of Junglepussy and Peaches, I find the outrage over “WAP” comical. 

Yes to this! Similar to you, I have PTSD from rape/trauma & abusive partners. Sometimes heavy necklaces and wearing my hair down trigger anxiety, to say nothing of masks.

My partner’s son loves these types of ‘pranks.’ He thinks they’re hilarious and that Youtube is the path to untold wealth. He’s 14 and luckily, not ballsy enough to do anything this stupid. I keep pointing out what a drain on resources this shit is and how it pulls police, medics, etc. away from actual emergencies but

This is a good strategy. As a daughter of a narcissistic mom, avoidance is sometimes the best boundary you can set. It can feel awkward and sneaky, but it’s sometimes the best method of self-protection. Because once you verbalize a boundary, a good narcissist will find ways to defeat it, chip away at it, and eradicate

I stayed in my first home 11 years and plan on staying in this one at least another decade. I like the mundanities of home ownership such as yardwork, minor home repairs, deciding how to remodel the bathroom, etc. I also don’t have children, which makes a huge difference.

I don’t understand this myself. Kids know when marriages are off and they recognize when parents are unhappy.

Personally, I found the Paul Bunyan statue in Bangor, Maine SO EXCITING. I’m provincial like that.

I believe it. However the parts of Maine I’ve been to (Portland, MDI, Bangor) have a distinct lack of McMansions, which is quite refreshing.

I don’t know how I missed all the previous installments of Maineweek Madness, but Maine is where I fantasize about living all the time, except that they are even less diverse than Minnesota, where I currently live.

Like where the fuck is 50 cent even going with this? If Will’s going to talk shit about his wife, he probably isn’t going to do it on a smart phone that can be screencapped and shared for the world to see.

What’s Biden’s position on the Catholic church bailout

I live in Minnesota. At work, we had a driver from Ontario (we were shipping something to Ontario) who was extremely afraid of Americans and our COVID19. I felt really bad for him, but couldn’t even get my co-workers to follow company policy (wear a mask at all times, except in your personal work area) enough to load

Yes, many pontoons have ladders on the back. If it’s a rental for recreation (swimming, etc.) it would definitely have a ladder. Toddlers can usually climb up them if they’re able-bodied and big enough. Presumably, the child had a life vest on as well, which would make it pretty easy to float over.

I don’t know how to ride a bike, at 43 years old. You cycling folks will never convert me!

What type of treadmill, if you don’t mind sharing? I’m looking for a new one (mine’s 12 years old and was $300 from Sears!).

Yeah - to me, she’s famous for blackface. That’s all I need to know about her.

May they burn.

I’d watch her in just about any role. She’s luminous. I do enjoy her as Aunt May & the awkward comments from Tony Stark about Aunt May were pretty funny. Especially because I remember liking Only You, in 1994 when it came out.

This is still one of my favorite episodes of one of my favorite seasons. 

We’re going to be so weird by the end of this. We’re almost two years into our relationship, still maintaining two houses (I live in the city, he lives on a lake). We’re both essential manufacturing, so we’ve left the house every day since this began. Stay-at-home means we started spending more time together & means