
I’m not even a mom, but the state of cleanliness of my house, my partner’s house, & his child has fallen on me. “Why are my dirty socks in the living room?” says the child. “Why are there empty PowerAde bottles and soda cans all over the house?” says me. “Oh, the dog’s eating my leftover nacho plate from last night

Perhaps law enforcement/investigators/criminal justice should re-examine their evidence and re-interview people w/r/t to the disappearance of Baskin’s husband and the “experts” that are harassing this woman, making threats, and intimidating her should leave her the fuck alone.

Weight fluctuations are so f’n annoying. I wish you the best on your journey...wherever it ends up. 

If you did it before, you can do it again.

These stories are pretty powerful. Thanks for continuing to share these.

In MN, the Minnesota Association of Family Doctors asked the governor not to close liquor stores because they were concerned about alcoholics going in to withdrawal and burdening emergency services. So they stayed open. Interesting difference.

Nearly 16 years ago I was living in a small studio apartment in Los Angeles. I had been to “treatment” (both in-patient and outpatient) twice for alcoholism. I had lost my job, isolated myself from family and friends, had my car impounded, and was basically drinking myself to death because, well, alcoholism.

Sunday, I woke early and checked my Target app to see whether there was TP available nearby. My bf’s teenaged son was concerned he (and his mom) were going to run out. So, I woke my bf up at 6:45 and said, “There’s toilet paper at Target down the road. We’re getting it.”

Wait, not only did she cook, it was curried apples? That she brought to the wedding?!?!

Family cabins are the bestest! My family had one in Wisconsin, too! We used to drive through Erin Gloria Ryan’s hometown every summer weekend. 

And this is kinda what Nick Offerman actually does. He goes to Minnesota in the summer, to his family cabin, and chills for a week. (I’m from MN and we are proud of our ‘cabin country.’)

OH this 2020's email scandal?

I was stocking up on homemade soup. But then I got sick (normal cold) and now I’m cutting into my stockpile!

I prefer the Thai wai myself. Since I’m supposed to sneeze into my elbow and everything.

This just looks ill-fitting and frumpy to me.  That’s not what I think of when I think of J.Lo. 

I’m envious of your pants having ability. I have zero pants that fit because I have a) gained weight recently and b) am not ready for the self-esteem hit buying new pants would entail.

For me, it’s not buying stock in and of itself that I find difficult, it’s that I find the phrase ‘capital gains tax’ extremely tiresome.

Is this like a few years ago, when everybody was calling pictures of things they liked ‘porn’?

many unnecessary bans applauded mostly by bigots

I bought Febreze once, used it, and got a terrible headache from the odor. If Khloe wants to fuck my bottle, she’s welcome to it.