
I’m done with her posts, personally. 

Well, part of that may’ve been because Smith’s opponent was a blithering idiot whose husband is the head coach of the Buffalo Sabres. Meaning, she doesn’t necessarily live here. 

I prefer Fall Cleaning to Spring cleaning. However, the best kind of cleaning is the kind I don’t overwhelm myself by thinking about the perfect way to execute it.

He was pretty good at his job! Just not good at keeping his hands to himself!

But unless Franken runs in another state, how would they re-instate him? Klobuchar’s not going anywhere, despite her Presidential ambitions. Tina Smith fully intends to run in 2020. This is what I don’t get about the “AL FRANKEN IS A VICTIM WHO DESERVES TO BE IN THE SENATE AGAIN!” people. How, exactly, is that

I want this woman and her story to be heard (and supported). The idea that Franken is any kind of victim is laughable.

You’re one of the most talented reporters, Anna, and I love your work. I don’t want to start reading Vice, but now I pretty much have to. I look forward to continuing to follow your career!

we get it. you vape.

Prachi, I am so moved by this essay. Your brother sounds incredible. It’s difficult to read how beguiling the MRA movement can be, especially to Indian men. I can’t imagine the pain of losing your sibling.

According to Splinter, the boycott was actually effective.

This should be the top comment as it provides an easy-to-understand explanation as to what, exactly, inhaling these products can do to one. Thank you!

Maybe she’s a size queen.

First Affleck & now Hamm? This Lindsay Shookus has some very high-profile boyfriends.

Vaping is pretty awful. Currently, my bf’s son has middle school classmates doing during lunch (because they can hide the vape in their hands) & on his bus. Some of the packages are made to look virtually identical to candy packages. The candy flavoring and the packaging that appeals to kids is extremely unethical

The wording is obnoxious, but I do understand why she’s trying to do it. Better they make money off their kid’s name than see it emblazoned on t-shirts at Forever 21.

That is fucking disgusting. Do not do any sort of foot-to-mouth activity in public, especially at a restaurant. These people are awful.

She also over-enunciates everything like she’s on the high school speech team, so, add that to your list of things to laugh at.

I love Kerry Washington, but she always looks like she’s about to burst into laughter. 

I got sick of SVU around the time I realized it was hard to watch women get raped/murdered/abused over and over and over again. As a survivor, it’s vindicating to see so many victims believed, but it’s also frustrating because I know it’s not reality.