

Yeah - I shouldn’t have read this at work. Having someone defend Kesha while acknowledging her pain, is so powerful. This is brutal and Gaga hits it out of the park.

If you are in Minneapolis, go to Maya Cuisine. I went there in fall of 2017 and haven’t been back to Chipotle since. 9 meat offerings (including carne al pastor), 9 types of salsa (spicy lime is the best), rice without cilantro (you can add that later), tortas, tacos, burritos, pozole...I could go on and on. 

As someone who launders her clothes after 3-4 wearings to make them last longer, a Wooden valet stand is invaluable. (Not undies & socks, I’m not a monster.)

As someone who launders her clothes after 3-4 wearings to make them last longer, a Wooden valet stand is invaluable.

Why not french tips?

I, with my $35 Sakroots smartphone wristlet, think anything LV is awful.

PE was hell until I got to high school. Then we were allowed to take “Lifetime Sports” where we could do bowling, archery, golf, etc. There was another class where we could do aerobics & weight training on alternating days, too. Those two classes got me to understand that I loved physical activity, I just fucking

You’re lucky. I’ve been bitten by my dog twice (due to an unsecured dog trying to attack her and me prying my dog off the unsecured dog). Both times it’s been infected and I’ve ended up at the doctor the next day.

On top of everything else, I can’t believe Neimann Marcus is paying her so little for them. I mean, $5100? $7700? That’s a steal.

Agreed. The #TrumpCaves hashtag had to make him positively livid. God, I hate the abusive relationship this fucker has put our entire country in.

Creamy white blazer & black pants always says The Love Boat to me & now I can’t get that theme song out of my head.

Ugh and now I’m googling best serums. I turn 42 this year and even though I have brown girl magic, I hate the fact that my face is aging.

Ugh. Michael B. Jordan, time for a new agent.

This is exactly my point, thank you!

What he’s describing doesn’t sound consensual and whether it was or wasn’t, I agree with you. I hope that never happens for him again. 

So other people put up with this woman’s Pantone fuckshit? I mean, she evidently got some baby gifts. My god, what a nighmare person.

Sure, Jean.

Thank you, this was excellent.

What the fuck? This guy’s nuts, right?

Fellow transracial adoptee here! I have Twenty Things! My aunt gave it to me and my mom was so pissed. I’ve found it very helpful and validating. Wishing you the best as you navigate your identity.