
That sounds incredibly traumatic. I hope she and your family are all able to stay safe from him.

No, she’s just racist. 

Wow! my mom’s a bipolar narcissist, so her parental MO is right in line with what you witnessed in that grad school community. Man, I hope those kids are able to get the support they will definitely need. 

I mean, the other woman in the photo didn’t look anything like me. She was a dark-skinned Nigerian woman. I am a dark-skinned Indian woman. Aside from the fact that neither of us would pass the paper bag test, we looked nothing alike.

James Harden looking at Joan like

The most disgusting bit of the whole debacle on Jezebel’s part was the willful refusal to pay attention to the multiple WOC in the comments on multiple posts who kept calling him out on his racism and misogyny. How Jessica Coen was still in charge after that bullshit pretty squarely put out there who Jezebel was and

there’s a GoFundMe for the wall? Who are those idiots?

Yes! As a transracial adoptee, I wasn’t able to effectively express and name these emotions until a few years ago, in therapy. It took several months of EMDR for me to reconcile these feelings I had that I felt guilty for having. I am a recovering alcoholic and also have anxiety disorder.

This is great. I hope that between the GoFundMe, FB fundraiser, and reward, she & her family have plenty of money for whatever they need. 

Not to mention the federal contractors who don’t get back pay. 

When I googled James Harden, because I had to know which James was hotter than James Marsden, I get a Houston Rockets player. Help! Which James is hotter than Cyclops?

Is Chris Brown even allowed into Canada? 

Wow that guest list - Chris Brown. How illustrious.

It will pair nicely with the documentary KellyAnne Conway’s producing about the Bowling Green Massacre.

I’m pretty sure she’s reading this so I’ll just say

* As a recovering alcoholic who was basically hungover for 15-20 years straight (the exact duration is hazy), I have no idea how anyone parents hungover.

Oh goody, a redemption arc for the unrepentant teen.

‘Tampon Lantern’ is a personal favorite.

Despite not really seeing Mulaney in anything except SNL, I have a huge crush on him. He just seems darling.

I was working a shit-ton of overtime, got home late one summer night and still had to walk the dog. Also, I was on Zoloft at the time and tried to take it a couple hours before bedtime. In order to get my pup to put on her harness & leash for a walk, she has to have treats. So I got the Zoloft and the dog treats