
Also, I’m sure her mom didn’t get to be bank president by making frivolous $12M loans. 

The fact that the word ‘rape’ isn’t front and center on every news package that reports on this story is maddening.

I’m totally an agnostic, but if Pence is such a mean-spirited so-called Christian, I absolutely want him to rot in all the Christian hells.

Also, if he does survive this neverending nightmare of an administration with his job, I hope he burns in the fieriest, most tortured of Christian hells for being a monumental asshole.

Oh god! We’re installing a new bathroom this Spring. Fingers crossed that everything stays simpatico!

I mean, Chris Evans is number one. But also, we need some more color up in this collective. Why all white dudes?

Some of my friends went to a gender reveal party last year. The couple knew the gender, they were just revealing it to their friends. Stupidity, squared. 

I really had a crush on David when he was on Roseanne (and we were roughly the same age.) That this guy isn’t him is such a let-down.

Penny’s the best part of the show. Sorry, Johnny Galecki.

Any scenario where Trump isn’t elected President in 2020 will result in a bunch of seething Trump supporters.

It’s roughly equivalent to the ‘tan suit’ or ‘grey poupon’ controversy...but with misogyny thrown in!’s $65K and I have to share my space with one person, no puppy, no cigarettes, no internet, and be a cook/housekeeper/ferry to Rich People?

Oh God. Last year’s winter was so bad. It didn’t really snow until January and then it seems like we got 1-2 major snowstorms a month until freaking April. This year, my bf lent me his 2-stage snowblower. I’m hoping that just by having it, I can stave off major snowstorms all season.

I busted out my ‘light’ winter jacket today for the 40 degree warmup. YES! If I can have a heating bill under $150 in January, I’ll absolutely fucking take it!

I am short and the boxes sit in the cupboard on top of the refrigerator, in the back. I really have to work to get at them.

I buy 5 boxes every year and...I still have 3 boxes left. Guess I better get on that before I re-stock!

I enjoy HS reunions. I graduated from a relatively small school (~200 in my graduating class) and we all knew each other. And while we didn’t all get along back then, we’ve pretty much let bygones be bygones. It’s fun to give hugs and get hugs, see new photos of friends’ kids, watch my classmates get drunk, see who’s

LOL. I realized I was lactose intolerant after a two week business trip in a foreign country. I was eating cold cereal with milk every day and felt awful the entire time. It’s so much better to not be sick all the time. Luckily, I can still enjoy limited amounts of ice cream (with Lactaid) and certain types of cheese.

Between the black tea & the milk, I would be a mess! (also lactose intolerant) I love the smell though...those Indian spices are delightful.

projectile vomiting. It's not cute.