
I would love to enjoy a good cuppa, however, I’m violently allergic to black tea. I’m Indian, so this amuses me.

I had too much mom time last week. Tonight is about making carnitas nachos with my honey, and then setting fireworks off over the frozen lake if we can stay awake that long. Happy New Year, Jezzies!

I recently bought a new house and had to purchase a doorbell. I got one of those that plays multiple ‘tunes.’ It’s set to “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” now. My dog’s still not hip to the fact that the song means someone’s at the door. Please, nobody tell her.

They couldn’t let him use ballpoint pens or pencils, because they were afraid he’d hurt himself?

Harron, your voice was badly needed here! I love hearing your perspective and you’re quite witty. Best of luck to you at Out, and I look forward to reading your less-frequent postings here. You’re freaking awesome.

She bought it.  And then put it on.

I find this funny. The (extremely) white lady that bought the “HIGHLY MELANATED” t-shirt at the Janelle Monae concert for herself I found confusing.

I came here for saucy gifs of redheaded men & was disappointed.

I’m glad you continue to call this out. It’s notable that it hasn’t been covered on Jez or The Root.

maybe you should read further down where I clarified my point. 

I would like to see the Trumpspawn banned from every British kingdom and former British colony. Those assholes could never go anywhere again.

I didn’t explain myself well. I meant that because there are a lot of baby boomers, period, there would be numerically more.

My theory is that a lot of us are children of Baby Boomers. There are a lot of Baby Boomers with multiple children.

It’s a bit surprising he hasn’t involved 45 yet. I’m sure a plea to 45 is next and then the shitshow will get real ugly, real fast. I bet Markle’s saving that one up for after his grandchild is born.

They were both implicated in every single crime, so it doesn’t matter who did what.

Indeed, shame on her for being controlling of her own damned life.

That’s awful. I’m so sorry you went through this. 

To the person that posted a link, I dismissed your reply because I don't want to be doxxed. I hope you understand. 

I went to high school with a very sweet man who was active in the performing arts. We weren’t super close, but we remained friendly acquaintances for the next several decades. He went on to become an elementary school teacher. He and his husband abruptly had a murder-suicide several years ago.

Yeah, if CBS thought Dushku’s complaint didn’t have merit, they would not have given her THREE YEARS’ salary. Nobody wants to believe badly of longtime friends, but come on ...