The Devil Drives a Mustang (Rotary Pending)

Would be considered ‘far right’ by most people here - not sure how, but whatever.

If you were asked to pick the car that was the most technically influential on the greatest number of modern cars, what would you pick? Would you go as far back as the Ford Model T, the real, widely accessible proof of concept of the automobile?

Right, I saw that too about Mr Ballaban.  That was one of the more disturbing things I have seen on this blog.

Good question, and the answer isn’t quite what you think it is. Some aircraft combat radii both old and new:

Next, the Zumwalts and Ticonderogas (or Ticos).

The US Navy really is in a bit of a mess right now, and not just for the reasons that were outlined in this article.

While the Burke-class ships were the first designed to minimize their radar signature the Zumwalts were the first to fully commit to stealth, sporting a clean, knifelike profile free of protrusions.

It’s preposterous that the Ruskies have developed a plane this much louder than ours. This is the land of the free, we can make a plane louder than theirs!  Someone get Harley Davidson on the phone!

Wheels don’t usually fall off. But losing the front shaft like he did? I don’t think anyone gets that right when doing a lift kit.

Well, it’s the only practical reason I can think of to want AWD in Houston. Other than that, I got nothing.

I think for higher power performance cars, it makes some sense. Think cars that can break traction easily under power even on dry pavement in the first couple of gears.

Step 1: Buy a Corvette Stingray

Sounds a little like mine.  Me: 2016 Mustang Ecoboost, Wife: 2017 Nissan Note.

I daily drive a Mustang and my wife drives a Nissan Note. We usually take the Note when going out as a family and on road trips and I often drive the Note on these outings.

As an engineering intern, I spent a good summer of my life fiddling with a product that would have used Ethernet over the power line to work. This wasn’t over long distance mind you, just within a house. The idea was that you would have a module plugged into an outlet near a router, and another module at a plug near

If you’re lucky, your airbox was designed to be opened with retaining snaps so you can swap out an air filter easily. And on cars with that particular feature, doing this trivial maintenance is just delightful.

I test drove a Mk6 GLI with a DSG many years ago and I was genuinely impressed. This looks even better.

Someone here said that a Civic feels like a Mercedes in comparison, but goddamn it should. The Civic now starts at $20k for a base model, and a quick search shows that most are optioned to about $22k to $23k. It’s not really an economy car anymore but is filling the “premium compact” slot that the old Mk5 VW

I don’t mind the looks so much. I think it’s a simple and handsome design. Nothing extraordinary but it’s not bad either. And at the end of the day, I am not driving around with my head hanging 20ft out the window staring at the car while I drive. No, I am staring at the interior. And that’s where my problem lies.

Many years ago I worked summers at a Boy Scout camp. I remember one troop that pulled in. It was a late 80's/early 90's F-350 Crew cab with a long bed. That thing was a mile long. And it was the most fully used truck I have ever seen at camp.