I am kinda with Mr duder13 on this one. We might know, but I’ll be damned if this isn’t a luxury subcompact done right.
I am kinda with Mr duder13 on this one. We might know, but I’ll be damned if this isn’t a luxury subcompact done right.
A four-cylinder Z4 is coming soon and the same motor is anticipated for the Supra as well.
I commented about it to my brother today when I saw that he put his name in officially. “Well, he won’t get the nomination”. We are in the early phases when the only people committing are the nutjobs and the young and ambitious. As far as the later group, they aren’t in it to win, just boost their careers.
I guess. It’s certainly not the dumbest fad that I have seen.
I don’t see why it wouldn’t matter. At the end of the day, money wasted is money wasted.
I know, I am not directly addressing this particular article. I am more grousing about that particular refrain that I have heard even on these comment boards. “CUV’s are popular because they make sense and are a smarter buy than cars”. Part of that argument is that they get almost as good mileage as cars. They don’t.
Kia says the AWD naturally aspirated engine can do 22 mpg in combined driving while the turbo does 21.
I meant what I said.
No, I am with you. I don’t like the GTI, and I don’t want a hatch hot or cold. Coupe with a proper trunk for me, please.
Naw, on the ground is no biggie. Lay down a tarp under the tent, find the slope, roll the tarp on the uphill and downhill sides (roll under, not over, less you want a puddle on the downhill side). Mind any signs of water drainage before you place the tent and you will be just fine. Add a compact battery powered air…
This Glenbrook is an A-class and represents one of history’s most interesting motorhome designs.
Specifically, NATO. All countries that are part of NATO are supposed to spend 2% of their GDP on defense spending. This is so that a member state doesn’t just defund their military, kick back, and say “the US will save us anyways”. However, ever since the end of the Cold War many member states have flouted that as…
My wife is notorious for getting car sick. If she used this, my bet would be that her vomit would hit the front windshield from the backseat.