Hedgewitch in Arizona

The whole point of this article is a critique of the surveillance state being utilized by the anti-abortion right. They connect the Texas law to these more insidious acts of digital surveillance to illustrate a trend of anti-abortion activists using technology to monitor and stoke fear in people advocating/ trying to

I thought it was pretty clear that the article was relating the “snitch hotline” aspect of the current Texas law with other examples of digital surveillance, not arguing that they both use the same mechanism. No, the Texas law doesn’t use your online activity/data against you in a criminal case but the intent was to

And this, right here, is why we keep saying the surveillance state is wrong and needs to be fought, but it’s always “If you’re not doing anything wrong, you have nothing to hide”.

This is the same Texas government who outlawed red light cameras because they are unconstitutional and “violates your right to face your accuser.”

I’m just amazed how the pro-forced birth people can get away with anything (both in the real world and digital world), but those of us who are pro-choice can’t.

Running around putting out fires/offering to help medically isn’t parading around with it.

but see this is what the GQP and the right wing (they are the same thing) want. The ammosexuals will go out to kill everyone they hate and the GQP will use it as an excuse for more “law and order”.

100 dollars the little shit will be crowing about it on social media within the end of the year how he owned everyone for clout just like all the Jan 6th dumbshits.

As a Canadian, this verdict is absolutely insane to me. You guys know it's not the Wild West anymore, right?

Oh, absolutely. He’s on Tucker Carlson within the week. He’ll absolutely be hailed as a “law and order” figure, even though a teenage vigilante is the exact opposite of law and order. 

Maybe because he’s been photographed holding up the White Pride hand signal championed by the Charlottesville/ Proud Boys/ MAGA crowds, while drinking underage at a bar with his mother (Christian family values!). Fuck off.

Ideally, if they met, they would shoot each other.

Yup. Gonna hit the right wing grift circuit and make bank. This little piece of shit wannabe-cop murders some people and JACKPOT — honestly maybe a future congressman even, and we’ve got our modern Freikorps legally sanctioned along the way.

He’ll be another George Zimmerman. Watch.

Of course he did.  He’s a basic ass white man who pretended to cry and make himself the victim so the jury let him go.  Nothing new in the US, just another story of a incredibly mediocre white person failing up and being a not-so-subtle supremacist.  

Donating to a single campaign is like giving that cute lone seagull at the beach a crust of your sandwich. Suddenly you’re surrounded by dozens of begging, vaguely threatening birds. And bam, you're in a Hitchcock movie that won't end. 

Oh god, yes. I am a huge PP supporter, but god it makes it hard to give them money knowing I’m getting re-upped on a list that’s going to go out to EVERYONE.

I. Hate. These. Emails.

God forbid you donate to even one Democratic candidate, suddenly you’re on everybody’s email list and getting 100 emails a day. Don’t even get me started on how fatalistic and negative the emails ALWAYS are. Like dude, how about you give me some good news? Tell me something amazing your

I find comedic parodies of Eyes Wide Shut to be more entertaining than the movie itself

The erotic thriller is made by and for the white male gaze. That’s why these movies fall flat: they’re a shortcut to soft porn but they still want to be considered as serious art.