Hedgewitch in Arizona

Eventually I expect a huge push to severely regulate or even outlaw contraception. I got my tubes tied over twenty years ago, arranged to have it done immediately following my second C section. I was a married mother of two, and it was still an incredible hassle just to convince people that yes, at 39 years of age I

It’s incredibly embarrassing having Gosar for my congressman. 

This is why I almost never sign a petition, even ones I'd really like to sign. They want my email address for the signature to be counted. Which leads to craptons of fundraising pleas cluttering up my inbox. 

Not having to fuck around with clocks and shit twice a year is one of the things I actually like about living in Arizona.

It looks like the neck from one of Omega Mart's tattoo chickens.

Honestly, I was just happy to see Jessica portrayed as an obviously attractive woman but not a total glamour puss. And yes, I am aware that I just revealed something about my age by saying “glamour puss”.

Tell us that you're a garbage parent and partner without actually saying that you're a garbage parent and partner.

Sinema is the biggest disappointment in my life as a voter since Gee f* cking Dubya. He was enough to convince me to dump the Republican party. I won't let her sour me on the Democratic party though. She's not even close to worth it.

Actual porn movies would like an apology please.

If she'd miscarried following a crash caused by a drunk driver, would said drunk driver get four years? Just wondering.

She's right about not every fuck having to be some cosmic spiritual experience. Expecting it to be sets you up for disappointment, it's exhausting, and worst of all, can keep you from enjoying a purely carnal romp for the simple physical joy that it is.

Am I evil for hoping that he coughed, repeatedly and wetly, on ACB?

I expect he’ll "survive” much the same way Charles and Camilla did. By continuing to enjoy a life of wealth, privilege, and ease, while keeping a relatively low profile until the royal-watching public finds something new to fixate on. Remember how people despised Charles for the way he made Diana's life a living hell?

Like Marianne Williamson but with testosterone overload.

Sounds like a rehash of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus for the MRA/ incel/ PUA crowd. Blergh.

I'm just surprised that Arizona isn't on that list. I'm sure they'll get around to it eventually though.

Roxanne Lucky, who is 19 or 20. Matt encouraged a creepy older friend of his to hit on her.

Was Ginger’s sister (I forget her name) the maid of honor? Or would that have been too uncomfortably tacky even for this pair?

A few weeks back my daughter found the original Doritos at a local store and got me some. She'd spent 23 years listening to me rave about plain corn chip Doritos, and grieve that I'd never taste them again. They were wonderful, tasted just like I remembered. The two bags she'd gotten me disappeared quickly; so did the

It’s kinda sad that she apparently thinks that strong and sexy are two very different things.