Hedgewitch in Arizona

Stories like this, and crap like the poison spewed online by groups like "Joyful Patriarchy Wife" make me so damn glad I dumped evangelicalism as a teenager, and never looked back.

IKR?!? Be still my heart.

That ad is weird but I have a thing for Adam Driver so seeing him swim shirtless is drool-worthy. That last pic of him astride the horse and doing a hair pull on it is definitely the stuff of daydreams for me. Swoon!

Back when I still had periods (and owned a uterus) I also had that issue. And can confirm how it affects you. I ended up hospitalized, and eventually had a hysterectomy. I hope your experience turns out nothing like mine. 

The times when I did, I gave diarrhea as my excuse. Worked every time, with every boss, and no questions asked. Not-so-fun fact: with only one exception, women bosses were just as unforgiving about using period pain as an excuse to miss work. They would, without fail, launch into stories about how they powered through

This is important and should be investigated. Inquiring minds want to know!

Futons can be fun. Except when they're in your parents guest bedroom. Sigh.

“No fucking in Tokyo 2021" had me in stitches. It'd be doubly hysterical if it were true. Surrounded as they are by love hotels and the people who invented them.

I’m 59 and can confirm that getting older doesn’t mean the bullshit stops. It takes a different tone, one that starts out convinced that it’s target needs to hear that she’s still pretty hot for an old lady, and ends with threats of violence and ageist insults when the target doesn’t simper and coo in response. This

A long time ago I lived in San Diego, and spent a lot of time at the beach. My favorite thing was snorkeling in La Jolla Cove. On one especially memorable occasion I encountered a group of about 10-12 sharks. The largest were about six feet long, at least a foot longer than I was tall. Most were about 2-4 feet long. I

This looks pretty cool. I'm certainly willing to at least see it. But taking a 1,000+ page book and trying to compress it into a 2-3 hour film is IMO a mistake. To do it properly the story needs to be told in a multi season series on TV. Yes, it'd likely be insanely expensive. But a novel like Dune simply can't be a

Manufactured ghost stories can be fun and profitable. Case in point, the Spirit Room bar in Jerome, Arizona. The only spirits in that place are the ones served to thirsty tourists. But it’s fun, and makes the all-important tourist dollars flow, so nobody cares.

As long as gross miscarriages of justice like this continue to happen, and are even (appallingly) applauded, rape culture will always be a thing. 

Getting people riled up to the point of violence- and all for your sake, no less!- is a pathological malignant narcissist’s wet dream come true. The only part he didn't mean literally was the "we". He had no intention of actually walking his bloated carcass anywhere.

Where I live (a small town near Sedona) the regional economy is driven by tourism. The industry is suffering from a lack of employees eager to return to crappy, low paid hotel and restaurant jobs. The common complaint is "nobody wants to work!" Not so. They just don't want to work for *you*. Having spent years in the

Beer bellied plumbers everywhere rejoice. You're on trend now. 

I look forward to voting for this young woman some day. 

Twenty-seven years ago, I did that. I got away from the guy who beat me up just because he'd had a bad day at work, stole my earnings to buy himself a new suit, hurt my pets and very nearly killed me. I got away, with very little beyond the clothes on my back, and started a new life from scratch. It was the hardest

Why those little hussies. I bet every single one of them was naked under those clothes.

The GQP has actually managed to make a Cheney a martyr for the truth.