Hedgewitch in Arizona

I’m fully vaccinated now, and have no plans to ditch the mask. I like it. It's been a year since some random stranger told me to smile.

This has got to be a crazy expensive "lifestyle". Ordinary ground beef can cost around $4-$5 dollars a pound these days. 

People who are famous for being famous earn their living by doing everything in their power to keep the rest of us watching them. A lot of the time that means acting (very publicly and repeatedly) like an asshole. As long as that formula works (and it hasn't failed yet) celebrities will go on doing it.

Gotta love the Jesus-is-my-vaccine crowd. Strange how, for two millennia now, he hasn't done jack sh!t for you in that department. Y'all still suffer from everything from hemorrhoids and jock itch to cancer and Alzheimer's. Just like the rest of us. If only those twits were going to get sick and die I wouldn't even

Yep. In small towns they're the big heavily armed fish in a small pond. And don't they know it.

I was raised to think of police as my friends. People who could be trusted. I haven't raised my kids to assume that a cop is automatically someone you can trust. My children are biracial, and adults now. As best as I could, I gave them both The Talk.

What she did to the dog is absolutely inexcusable. And probably what she'll do to you if you become "annoying". Run, don't walk, from that trainwreck human.

A few years ago I remember reading something about “how come Millennials aren't buying diamonds? " And the response was basically, "I work at a grocery store". Every time I hear a Boomer talking shit about younger people I remind them that those younger people are the ones paying for their Social Security benefits.

It’s never been time to rest on our laurels, or pubes. Probably never will be. Which is a pity. It might be a refreshing change. 

The very idea that "secular medicine" is even a thing with some people is absolutely horrifying. Let alone that they see it as something to combat and destroy if at all possible.

Thank you! I finally know I'm not the only one who feels like that about him.

I feel like I'm the only person in America who doesn't especially like Woody Allen or think he's funny. I never have. But now I'm glad for that. 

Years ago I was riding a bus home from my job as a dry cleaner. In Phoenix, in the summer. I was exhausted and bad tempered enough already, and some perv just couldn’t resist flashing me his dingle-dangle.

Don't cancel him over Cancun. Cancel that bastard for taking part in an insurrection.

Apparently Missus Fled Cruz sent a bunch of text messages inviting friends to come to Cancun with them. So, no. Not a kids sleepover.

Gotta love how he tosses God into the toxic mix. I’ve known actual Satanists who have more “Christian charity” than that asshole.

Honestly, the detachment, insomnia and not eating sound like a drug problem to me. I've never used meth but have been close to someone who did. And the symptoms she described sounded a lot like meth.

Tomorrow is the first anniversary of my father’s death. His was not unexpected; he was in hospice care for two weeks before he died. Even so, this time of loss we’re all going through hits especially hard for me as well. This was beautifully written. Thank you for sharing it with the rest of us.

Last year supporters of Tinyhands McVaginaneck were writing his name on the back of $20 bills, with arrows pointing to the 20s in the corners. One of those fell into my hands; I grabbed a Sharpie and wrote “Anyone But” above the name which I won’t repeat. And sent it back out into the world.

Shit I was traumatized and I was watching from the safety of my home, thousands of miles away. What we're discussing here sounds all too much like my extremely abusive and violent first marriage.