Hedgewitch in Arizona

Thank you, President Biden.

Hate really ages a person.

Thank you, President Biden.

It was wonderful. I'm glad they included Officer Eugene Goodman.

Glass and plastic might be an improvement. Just saying.

At least I know that not all the worst nutjobs were from Arizona. Sigh.

Don't mess with an Italian grandmother.

The Slovenian Tart is a birther who paved over the rose garden.

They built a gallows outside. A FUCKING GALLOWS.

Donald now owns half of all presidential impeachments in this country.

A friend forwarded to me a flier that’s making the rounds, advertising an “armed protest" in DC from the 17th through the 20th. No details, no contact information (natch) Just graphics and wording that resembles nothing so much as Soviet era Russian propaganda posters.

We have open carry and they're already doing it here. 

The Republicans bleating about this sound a lot like my ex-husband. (Also a Republican) He'd take his shitty mood out on my body, leave me laying there bleeding, and next day try his damnedest to convince me that it was time for us to go off on a fun road trip together to "make a fresh start". Gaslighting at it's

Did she borrow some clutching pearls from Susan Collins? 

FWIW Twitter has had enough of him. Donald's account is permanently suspended now.

He's busy dry-humping the flag like it was Vanky on date night.

There are guys who couldn't find a clitoris with a detailed map and GPS.

Someone tell Donald that we found those 11,800 votes he wanted. Ossoff has them.

I wouldn't mind seeing him leave in a straightjacket. Or even a meat wagon, should he finally manage to tweet-shart himself into a stroke.

That loathsome lying old bastard committed sedition. He absolutely deserves to be impeached again. And most likely, nothing will happen.