Hedgewitch in Arizona

The Bankruptcy King who thinks that windmills cause cancer and airports existed during the Revolutionary War is mathematically challenged. Who'd a thunk it? 

Really? Calling something "bizarre" fits your definition of judgemental? M'kay. [eye roll]

LOL M'kay. Sounds like you know a whole lot about how I live. [Eye roll]

330,000 of us have fucking DIED. Millions more are staring homelessness and genuine poverty in the face. I'm only surprised it took this long for someone to do something like this.

IKR? That was kinda bizarre. Years ago I processed a bear my husband had shot (about eight feet from our front door) and I can honestly say it never once occurred to me to blow up it’s heart like a balloon.

I wish I could say that I learned something profound, something valuable, from this shitshow of a year. Something that might begin to make all the stress and fear loss fucking worth it. I haven't. 

I imagine it’s been really hard for family caregivers of elderly people as well. I spent twelve years caring for four different family members with varying degrees of dementia; the last one, my dad, died in late January of brain cancer. I can’t even imagine what it would have been like trying to care for him during

As someone who has personal experience with being on a ventilator (aka intubated) I've been on board with the mask/hand washing/social distancing from the very beginning. I'm surrounded by Antimaskers and Covidiots here in rural Arizona; if I could have one wish, it'd be for all of them to be somehow compelled to read

Yikes. It sounds like a mashup of Helen Gurley Brown’s “Having It All” (and yes I’m aware of how I dated myself just by mentioning that book) and the horror flick franchise Wishmaster. Bummer.

I’m cool with being A Fucking Creep. But Daily Mail, ugh, no. They’re a bridge too far, even for a Certified Fucking Creep™ like me.

I've been going to bed every night for the last four years hoping that he'd forget to wake up tomorrow morning.

Oh yeah. He's put me in touch with feelings I didn't know that I was capable of. 

He really gets off on playing sick games with people’s minds and lives.

It’s okay about Mittens Romney. I have a thing for Ben Sasse after seeing a pic of him dressed to play tennis. He's got really nice legs.

Last year’s holiday season was horrible for me. My dad was desperately ill with cancer, seriously mentally unstable/dementia and willingly influenced by his much younger antivaxxer anti-science Talibangelical girlfriend. Because I lived minutes away it fell to me to at least try to keep him relatively clean, fed, and

Yep. God loves me soooo much, and will totally send me to hell if I don't love him back. God sounds just like my ex-husband.

IKR? I thought he was dead. Guess it's just his career.

As a card carrying pagan of over thirty years I highly recommend Saturnalia and/or Yule. Seriously. 

I'd all but forgotten about Pence until you mentioned him. He seems to be keeping a low profile these days.

You rock.