Hedgewitch in Arizona

The 25th Amendment would take care of this if anyone had the cojones to actually use it.

I just love it when mansplain-y men mansplain what some of us (me) regard as humankind's earliest Goddess images. 

Yep. IRL I don't talk nearly as much as I do online. Except for animals and trees. I always talk to them. 

And then there’s people like me who’ve been saying weird stuff to strangers all along. Not mean or scary or rude. the wall. This will be a new experience for us, being relatively normal.

Exactly. This is about Donald flexing his "law and order president" bullshit for his moron base.

It’s not about justice for her victim. Trumpism is a death cult. Executing prisoners is a way to keep the rubes fired up and frothing. 

I'm very happy about this. Hard to imagine a better antidote to Ryan f*cking Zinke.

Nah. If you were really terrible people wouldn't still be friends with you. Or give you stuff. 

FWIW I would have loved to get a present like that. What's more, that took guts to give it to him publicly. Respect.

My first husband gave me a CD player, A big expensive toy he knew damn well I didn't want. (I wanted nice, big new bookshelves to house the volumes stacked in piles all over the apartment) I opened it on Christmas day, pasted on a smile for the benefit of the in-laws at whose house we were spending the holiday, and

I dunno. I like going to Harkins Sedona to see a chick flick with my daughter, or an action thriller with her and my son both. But I don't honestly miss having to smuggle in snacks and a flask of booze just because I don't want to spend $50 on candy and popcorn. (Even if I did I'd still bring my "Mother's Little

Saw what looked like the mugshots of the guys who were planning to kidnap Whitmer. (In fairness, it could have been their driver’s license pics, those tend to look like mugshots) Six pasty-faced, beady-eyed dweebs with a couple of beards that look like they’d smell terrible, and one with really ugly piercings for

Maybe there's a retirement home in Idaho that would like to have Donald as a neighbor.

Salvia sounds kinda like meth, and every bit as much totally the opposite of fun.

Many people are saying that Steven Miller bathes in a mixture of Porcelana and Rio Grande water drained from the bodies of drowning victims before retiring to sleep in a coffin filled with dirt from Auschwitz.

Calling a grown woman who goddamned well earned the right to call herself Doctor by a diminutive like "kiddo" instantly renders you, and your opinion, completely irrelevant.

Calling a grown woman who goddamned well earned the right to call herself "Doctor" by a a diminutive like "kiddo" automatically renders your opinion completely irrelevant. Just saying.

I like that. And when it's pummeled by hurricanes we can take turns throwing paper towels at them.

Maybe it's a reflexive holding her dress down from Daddy's tiny pudgy grasping paws?

Hey save some for the rest of us!