Hedgewitch in Arizona

You may be on to something. The last place I lived in was like that. Spacious, airy, and zero solitude without locking myself in the bathroom. 

I would dearly love to have a bitch barn. Where I live it’s appallingly hot in the summer and insanely cold in the winter. Lots of barns around here, but none I'd want to spend much time in, sigh.


Bump. And thank you.

Donald’s busy reminding us that Biden will imprison you for saying Merry Christmas, and plans to remove the very words from our lexicon. Poor guy can’t focus on more than one thing at a time.

I read that as Bum Pit.

I had forgotten about the CMB craze until now. Back around 1982 the paint and decorating store I worked at (Standard Brands in Chula Vista CA, I don't think they exist anymore) got a new manager. Who insisted that we use CMB to sell more expensive custom-mix paint and coordinated wallpaper. A few of us women were

There are people who actually don't deserve to be forgiven. They're often the ones who'd sooner die in a flaming collision with a gasoline tanker than admit that they're the ones who wrecked the relationship. Trying to force yourself to forgive someone like that is not just useless, It's harmful. 

I heard that they found her huddled behind a dumpster in back of Four Seasons Landscaping. Clutching a half empty bottle of Thunderbird and mumbling incoherently.

When the (wimpy, ineffective, unenforced) “lockdown” in Arizona was lifted, I and my family responded by continuing to stay home, wear the damn masks already, socially distance, etc. As things stand now I can actually see myself living like this for the rest of my life. (I’m 58 years old) At least the (appallingly

Parts of it have already blown down in high winds. Eventually it'll be scavenged for usable materials and find it's way into homes and other buildings on both sides of the border.

She could have gone out with a bang by putting a kindergarten of krampusses (krampai? Kramposse?) in every room. I'm kinda disappointed that she didn't.

Omigoddess no. Just no. This has already been the year from hell. No need to keep making it worse.

Suddenly I feel better about the dry turkey I served up for just me, my two kids, and my seven month old English mastiff. 🙂

I live in rural northern Arizona, and we have soooo many Qnatics here. (Including our own Qnatic member of Congress, Paul Gosar) We also have open carry. The same people who bleat about "not living in fear" as their justification for refusing to wear a mask can't even go to the store for a gallon of milk without their

If you have the stomach for it the collective meltdown on Treasonweasel McLoserface's Facebook page is literally hysterical.

The GSA has announced that the transition can proceed.

The only blood relations I have left are both JWs, so holidays aren’t even an issue with them. My Trumplicker Covidiot in-laws, however, are no longer speaking to me. Which means they can’t invite themselves to stay in the guest cabin and eat my food while kvetching about f*cking everything. They've even blocked me on

Talk to Hillary Clinton, Vanky. She could tell you a few things about politically motivated harassment.

So, Bagpuss was a stuffed toy inhabited by a spirit, and Emily was the witch who freed him? Cool. I'm going to keep my eye out for haunted toys once I get back to thrift store shopping.